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Weekly Meal Plan Friday 3.3.23

Weekly Meal Plan Friday 3.3.23
Enjoy another weekly meal plan with us! Can you believe this is week 9 already?! In case you’re interested in the others, they can be found here: Week One Week Two Week Three Week Four Week Five Week Six Week Seven Week Eight We hope these plans are giving you some more inspiration to meal prep for the week. We know how it feels to...
March 3, 2023

Banana Bran Muffins

Banana Bran Muffins
These Banana Bran Muffins were inspired by my grandmother’s bran muffin recipe. Her original recipe called for a whole cup of sugar as well as a cup of oil. I thought because they were bran muffins that meant they were healthy, and would happily eat multiple in one sitting!  On the flip side, there have been plenty of bran muffins I’ve tried that tasted like...
October 25, 2022

Buttermilk Blueberry Muffins

Buttermilk Blueberry Muffins
These buttermilk blueberry muffins taste like coffee cake and I am not mad about that! Per usual, by the end of the week my fridge is looking a bit bare.  My Mom brought me blueberries last week. Buttermilk was also in my fridge and shockingly not expired – whoop! Shout out to Twig & Lace for the cute coffee stir – she has TONS of...
May 15, 2021

Blueberry Coffee Cake Muffins

Blueberry Coffee Cake Muffins
I woke up today with a taste for coffee cake.  And these blueberry coffee cake muffins taste just like it! The blueberries I bought last week were on the sour side.  By adding them to these sweet muffins, it was the perfect sweet/tart combo. Can you use anything other than regular sugar? Lately I’ve been steering away from artificial sweeteners.  If you’ve been following me...
April 11, 2021

Morning Glory Muffins

Morning Glory Muffins
I remember my Mom making morning glory muffins growing up.  She must have made them often, or maybe when she did make them a few times they made an impression, but I loved them.  I am probably sure I didn’t know there were veggies in there! My idea to make these morning glory muffins came to me when I realized I had a zucchini, one...
July 18, 2020

Banana Brownie Muffins

These banana brownie muffins were a happy accident! I had some bananas to use up, so made these chocolate oatmeal banana muffins – except they taste like a cross between a brownie and a muffin for some reason, but I am loving it.  So I am calling these Banana Brownie Muffins 😀   ************** I went to WW on Saturday after two weeks away due...
August 19, 2019