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Low Point Banana Muffins

Low Point Banana Muffins
These low point banana muffins are still low in points as of 2023!  Back in the day, it wasn’t unusual for me eat a giant Otis Spunkmeyer banana nut muffin with a giant Dr. Pepper on my way to work.  In case anyone is counting WW points – that would be 18 points for just the muffin – and that was my “appetizer.”  I’d probably...
September 6, 2018

Cranberry Orange Muffins

Cranberry Orange Muffins
Friday’s lunch with my sister is worth mentioning.  Since I don’t blog on Saturday’s, and if you don’t follow me on Instagram or WW Connect, you would have seen that my sister and I have decided to make our #foodfunfriday healthy!  It used to be big ass burgers, eat all the fries, maybe even split a dessert, but with SO many options in the loop,...
January 15, 2018

Banana Streusel Muffins

Banana Streusel Muffins
I took 238 pictures from Friday night until last night.  I may have a bit of a problem. 😀  It was a good long weekend.  I didn’t really have any plans except with my Mom yesterday.  It was a nice balance of productivity, cooking and lazy.  I will admit that we ordered pizza on Saturday night and I may have eaten half of a small...
September 5, 2017

Banana Nut Muffins

Banana Nut Muffins
There is temptation all around me every day working in Chicago.  From the coffee shop across from my train station that has THE BEST glazed donuts, to all the food stalls at the train station, the nearly 20 restaurants within a two block radius of my office – it’s everywhere! Lately though, I’ve had a taste for a giant muffin.  You know the ones I...
March 17, 2017

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
Last Friday I found myself with half a dozen really really ripe bananas.  No one in the house would eat them like that, so I decided to bring muffins to take to work last Saturday.  I thought it would be a bit of sunshine at 5:00 a.m. in the morning when everyone is still tired and wished they were still in bed.  I am partial...
August 3, 2016

Banana Chobani Muffins

Banana Chobani Muffins
Last night I was pondering where I am in my life and how different things are.  Two years ago this past weekend, I was working a second job at Zeal: Tony had already been hospitalized locally three times by May of 2014.   In June, July and August was when we made our treks to Mayo Clinic.  All while holding down a full time job, but...
May 30, 2016

Morning Glory Muffins

Morning Glory Muffins
When we were little my Mom used to make these muffins and she called them Morning Glory Muffins.  I don’t know if it was her recipe, or a neighbors, or a way to use up zucchini, or if there was even zucchini in the muffin.  All I know was that they were delicious!  I showed the muffins last week when I took a picture of...
October 4, 2014