I never really had a sweet tooth until a few years ago. Like seriously I could pass by cakes, cupcakes, etc. I was a salty girl through and through – salt and vinegar chips, cheetos, doritos – you name it I loved it! But then my love affair of gummies came about. Damn you Albanese gummies! Why do you have to be so good and...
Another holiday without my husband. This would technically be the 4th Thanksgiving without him. The last Thanksgiving I had with him was in the hospital. He wasn’t conscious. My Mom brought Boston Market and we ate turkey and mashed potatoes with hospital sounds surrounding us and nurses coming in and out. It’s still so surreal when I think about that last week of his life. ...
Apple strudel. This apple strudel with cream cheese filling and glaze completely cured my jones for apple coffee cake. I know, those are two completely different things, but on Sunday morning I legit almost made an apple coffee cake with two sticks of butter. But I remembered that I have goals and I am going to crush this last quarter of 2018. Guess what –...
Classic apple pie is probably my favorite pie of all, although truth be told, pretty sure there isn’t a pie I don’t like. One pie on my list to try though? Strawberry rhubarb! Tony had a taste for it towards the end of the summer of 2014, and for some reason by then, I couldn’t find rhubarb anywhere. And well, after that, he didn’t even...
I had another great weigh in this week! I am tracking all my points and that makes all the difference. I still eat all the things I love, but stick within the points. I posted this picture below and asked how I handle my points. I get 23 points a day and 35 extra weekly points. That’s 196 points a week. Some days I may...
Mini Cherry Pies Mini Cherry Pies. Swoon. And you know what? There are only 4 ingredients in these mini pies: refrigerated pie crust, canned lite cherry filling, egg yolk (mixed with a tiny bit of water) for a wash, and a sprinkle of course sugar. That’s it! And guess where I found the reduced calorie cherry pie filling? The Dollar Tree – who knew? 1/3...
I did something that I haven’t done on a holiday in a really long time – I started it out at the gym! I know, I could hardly believe it myself. The kadults and I didn’t really work out our holiday meal plan until . . . yesterday morning. I knew my proteins were going to be whole slow cooked chicken and a bone in...
Hannah and I had so much fun at our library over the weekend – they just renovated the whole place, and I don’t take advantage of it often enough. One of the books I got was Jamie Oliver’s “Super Foods” and one of the recipes that I thought I could tweak a bit to make it lower in points was his “pretty chia pots.” Hannah...
I finally made a microwave chocolate cake! A few of you mentioned in my last post about the nutrition label for the tomato soup. The plug in that I use gets automatically generated when I enter the ingredients. However, sometimes it’s not that accurate, like yesterday’s recipe. The nutrition based on Oprah’s cookbook for the tomato soup is 173 calories, or 4 smart points for...