What a wonderful weekend.  Busy – but wonderful!  It was the first weekend in a long time where I had no where to go, and it was awesome.  I still had work to do, but my fun work – recipe development!  I have so many great recipes coming up:  Argentinian flank steak with a spicy giardiniera chimichurri sauce (that is 1 point!), strawberry and rhubarb scones, smoky jalapeno pizza with strawberries and basil . . . but today, I am sharing this red velvet nice cream.

I love the Safe + Fair brownie mix, but each brownie is 11 smart points.  Not to say that it isn’t both point worthy AND insulin worthy, it’s an indulgence I can’t do every day.

So I have been trying to use it up slowly but surely.  Check out my other recipes using the red velvet mix:

I just want to mention it was 90 degrees outside when I took this picture – ha!  But I do like how melty it looks.

Just add the two frozen bananas to a food processor, add 2-3 tablespoons of unsweetened almond milk (it’s 30 calories a cup, so I don’t count that) with 1 tablespoon of the dry Safe + Fair red velvet brownie mix.  Mix on high for 2 minutes, or until smooth.  It will be the consistence of soft serve froyo at that point, but you can freeze and it will be more like ice cream texture.

I love how it turns pink the second it gets wet 😀

I still have more than half a bag of this mix – so many possibilities!  If you can think of another recipe I can use this in, please let me know, I am all ears!

Um, turns out the dogs got a couple licks in too – I am the best dog grandma evah!

My Safe + Fair discount code is good until July 31 – just click on this link to save 25% off and get free shipping until the end of the month.  You’ll want to put this vegan Red Velvet mix in your cart – you can thank me later.

My stepbet started yesterday – still not too late to join – I think the first week is kind of to get your feet wet – then weeks 2-6 you have to meet your steps every day otherwise you get kicked out of the game – strict but what motivation!  Just download the app to your smart phone, and my game code is BIZ.

I’ll leave you with this pic of Rummy – she gets too tire after a few minutes, so Hannah has a . . . dog stroller.  Yes, I know – so cute!  Sadly both dogs are too big to be in there at the same time, so yesterday it was Rummy’s turn. 

Oh, and here’s another recipe I made a few years ago, but perfect for summer produce – ricotta stuffed zucchini in tomato sauce – so good!  You can find that recipe here.


Using the Safe + Fair Red Velvet brownie mix, you can have your own 3 ingredient nice cream at home in minutes! Just take two frozen bananas, 2-3 tablespoons of almond milk and a tablespoon of the red velvet mix and you've got yourself some guilt-free healthy frozen yogurt. #banana #nicecream #icecream #dessert #healthy #recipe #ww #weightwatchers