I had so many bananas that needed to be used up, that I decided to make banana scones.  But I was trying out a new recipe that I wrote, and in the end, the dough wasn’t dry enough to even begin to shape in the form of a circle to cut into scones, but I loved the flavor of the batter, so I decided to make drop cookies.

I first mixed two bananas with Greek yogurt, cinnamon and ground ginger.  I used my melon baller to drop them on my cookie sheet.  I baked them at 400 for around 8 minutes – check at 8 minutes – they won’t be browned on top, but the bottoms will be browned.

I was going to make a glaze, but I found I had sugar free frosting in both vanilla and chocolate.  A teaspoon of sugar free frosting is only 16 calories.  For the vanilla I sprinkled a bit of cinnamon sugar (10 calories a teaspoon) and for the chocolate, since I was having an almost 3 year old guest at my brunch yesterday, I put sprinkles.

I put this recipe into the WW recipe builder, and one is 2 points, two is 3 points, but 3 is 5 points – there is the WW math for you!

My friend Erica, her husband Dan and their daughter came over for brunch yesterday.  I was telling Erica that they started out being scones, but ended up more like a cookie and she said “You made a scookie!”  And that’s the perfect description.  These are light, fluffy, and just enough sweetness with the teaspoon of frosting.


Here is my breakfast board – the scookies, bacon, Alouette brie (so good!) zero point hard boiled eggs (which I did in the air fryer – just 16 minutes at 250 – put in an ice bath and they peeled so easily!), fruit, and nuts.

And, um, pretty sure every breakfast brunch should have grilled beef. 😀  I bought a two pound bone in ribeye at Sam’s Club.  I marinated it overnight in a bit of grape seed oil and Dak’s steakhouse seasoning.  I let it come to room temperature, then grilled on indirect heat until it reached 117 degrees, then reversed seared it.  It rested 25 minutes before I sliced it.

Erica and her family live in the city, so that was a trek coming to my neck of the woods!  But their daughter loved the river, got to put her feet into it and run in my backyard with the dogs which was so cute.

And our weather was beautiful – such a great day.

Tonight I have a meeting with my free personal trainer at LA Fitness.  I know I need to kick up my exercise routine and make it a CONSISTENT part of my week.

Today also starts my DietBet!   It’s not too late to join – I’ll be doing weekly small giveaways each of the four weeks – it will be fun – come join me!
Happy Monday my friends – make it a great day, and don’t eat like an asshole.  Love, Biz