Of all the dessert pizzas I’ve made using Safe + Fair granolas this month, this one is my favorite! The chocolate granola when baked with my skinny pizza dough almost tasted like a chocolate chip cookie. #swoon

If you are like me and always have skinny pizza dough on hand, this is literally ready in about 15 minutes. I swear when I took the first bite, this tasted like a chocolate chip cookie!

I used two ounces of my skinny pizza dough with 15 grams of the chocolate granola, then just kneaded it into the dough. This is about the size of a 4 inch cookie? I baked it at 425 for 10 minutes. I wanted a soft dough, not a crunchy one.

The spread was 10 grams of whipped cream cheese mixed with 10 grams of vanilla frosting. Once out of the oven, with the parchment paper, I just put it in my freezer for about 3-4 minutes while I sliced up my fruit.

Then the fun part – assembly! I spread the frosting mixture over the top. Added sliced strawberries, bananas and cherries, a little bit of whipped cream on the top and I melted 30 Lily’s sugar free chocolate chips for 40 seconds in my microwave until melted.

The base of this pizza tastes like a chocolate chip cookie and a short bread cookie had a baby. So good!

What I like about this recipe is that you can just make one at a time. I ran this through the WW recipe builder: the pizza base is 4 points, the frosting/cream cheese base is 2, and the chocolate chips is 1. Yes, this is a 7 point dessert, but only about 200 calories.

And I thought I’d eat the whole thing last night after dinner, but I ate about half of it and was totally satisfied.

Don’t forget to use my discount code: BIZ25 to save 25% and free shipping just until the end of May. If you have anyone in your family that has food allergies, their website is super easy to navigate – if it’s a nut allergy or dairy allergy – I’ve loved everything I’ve tried. You can check out their website here.

Happy Wednesday – love how fast the week is going by – can we have a three day weekend every week? Thanks. Make it a great day and don’t eat like an asshole.