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Down by the River

When I got home from dropping my daughter off to school, my dog was sitting at the top of the steps.  He immediately looked at me, to his leash, and back to me! We went on a 30 minute walk and ended our walk down by the river.  It was so pretty this morning. Breakfast: 1.1 ounce dry oats 1/3 cup water 1/3 cup hemp...
September 19, 2008


It’s what’s for dinner!  First off though, my husband brought home White Castle.  My daughter and I have never had it before.  She loved them – I did not.   I could taste the onions and the texture of the beef was weird.  But at least I can say that I had a bite of one! Dinner was steak and stuffed potatoes with broccoli and shredded...
September 19, 2008

I did it!

It wasn’t very fast (4.0 per hour) but I was able to run! 5 minute warm up 5 minute run 2 minute walk 5 minute run 2 minute walk 8 minute run (yahoo!) 2 minute walk 5 minute run 5 minute cool down I am pleased – hoping that by 10/19 I’ll be able to run the whole 5k without stopping, even if I run...
September 18, 2008


When I got home last night, I was so mad that I left my BIG container of egg whites on the counter, and had to throw them out.  So today I used a real egg. Thomas light english muffin 1 ounce fresh spinach 1 egg 1 ounce sharp cheddar My exercise plan at lunch is to do my walk/run for 40 minutes.  I am hoping...
September 18, 2008


Our dog loves long walks, and I feel bad that I don’t take him on walks every day.  After I dropped my daughter off at school, I came in the door and who should be there?  Ed!  If you even say the word “walk” he gets all excited and immediately goes to the back door. Another beautiful day – I could see my breath! And...
September 18, 2008

2 x 2 x 2 x 2

Beer can chicken was on the menu tonight – and it was big –  5 pounds!  And they were on sale for .99 cents a pound – nice!  I made roasted potatoes and caesar dressing cucumbers for my sides.  When I weighed everything on my plate, everything equaled 2 ounces!   2 ounce chicken wing (with skin – yum!) 2 ounce chicken breast 2 ounces potatoes...
September 18, 2008

Corned beef hash, sprints and toads

We went to lunch at a diner type restaurant where they serve breakfast all day long.  It was interesting because their “weight watchin” menu items were: boiled chicken with cottage cheese (yeah, that’s right – boiled!) butt steak with cottage cheese tuna salad with cottage cheese chicken salad with cottage cheese I ended up getting a tossed salad with Greek dressing on the side and...
September 17, 2008

Biggest Loser Update

It still always amazes me the “huge” numbers these people lose in just one week.  Although, I know why.  Let’s take L.T. (Little Tom) for example.  Look at his whole family, parents, sisters and ESPECIALLY his uncles!  That’s the only life he has ever known!  Now let’s say he eats 10,000 calories (or more) per day.  Now he’s on the ranch, is on a 1500...
September 17, 2008

1/2 Day!

I have a half day today – meeting my mom for lunch, daughter has half day, and then my quarterly doctor appointment with my endocronologist.  I think he’ll be pleased with my blood sugar numbers! Forgot my camera, so this is taken with my cell phone – not very good! I knew it was bagel day in the office, so I took 1/2 of a...
September 17, 2008

One of the few chicken dishes my daughter eats

My daughter doesn’t like meat much at all.  She’ll eat ground beef in tacos, she’ll have a ground beef burger if it is really flat and overcooked.  But I think other than Nana’s chicken (which I have tried to recreate but “it doesn’t taste like Nana’s”), this is probably her favorite chicken dish. I don’t have exact measurements, because I just throw it together.  Mine...
September 17, 2008