I have a half day today – meeting my mom for lunch, daughter has half day, and then my quarterly doctor appointment with my endocronologist.  I think he’ll be pleased with my blood sugar numbers!

Forgot my camera, so this is taken with my cell phone – not very good!

I knew it was bagel day in the office, so I took 1/2 of a whole grain, and then scooped out some of the bread to have a bagel “shell.”  At home I made the spinach/egg white/cheese omelet and then put it together when I got here.

  • 2 ounce bagel
  • 1/2 cup egg white
  • .6 ounce fresh spinach
  • 1 ounce extra sharp cheddar cheese

294 calories, 6.8 fat, 31 carbs, 1.9 fiber, 23 protein

Not sure where lunch will be – maybe Panera since they have their nutrition online.  I love their black bean and broccoli cheese soup!