I always think this looks funny!
I always think this looks funny!

Beer can chicken was on the menu tonight – and it was big –  5 pounds!  And they were on sale for .99 cents a pound – nice!  I made roasted potatoes and caesar dressing cucumbers for my sides.  When I weighed everything on my plate, everything equaled 2 ounces!


535 calories, 20 fat, 13 carbs, 1.4 fiber, 34 protein
535 calories, 20 fat, 13 carbs, 1.4 fiber, 34 protein
  • 2 ounce chicken wing (with skin – yum!)
  • 2 ounce chicken breast
  • 2 ounces potatoes
  • 2 ounces cucumbers
  • red wine

And look how much leftover chicken I got!

chicken noodle soup, here I come!
chicken noodle soup, here I come!

And the sun was setting as we ate dinner outside:


  • 1288 calories
  • 39 fat
  • 72 carbs
  • 7.1 fiber (not enough!)
  • 73 protein


  • 30 minute treadmill
  • 25 minute walk
  • 5 x 25 yards sprints!
