It wasn’t very fast (4.0 per hour) but I was able to run!

  • 5 minute warm up
  • 5 minute run
  • 2 minute walk
  • 5 minute run
  • 2 minute walk
  • 8 minute run (yahoo!)
  • 2 minute walk
  • 5 minute run
  • 5 minute cool down

I am pleased – hoping that by 10/19 I’ll be able to run the whole 5k without stopping, even if I run slow!

Today’s lunch:  Leftovers!

  • 2.2 ounce turkey italian sausage, chopped
  • 5 ounces spaghetti squash
  • 1.5 ounces chopped fresh spinach
  • 5 ounces homemade marinara
  • 1 ounce mozzarella cheese
  • 1 ounce fat free ricotta cheese
  • crushed red pepper to taste
  • Italian seasoning to taste

Mixed all together and heated it in the microwave.  SO GOOD (even if it doesn’t look pretty)!

Oh no!

Almost out!
Almost out!