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Now and Then

Now and Then
This past weekend my step-son and his wife were in town from Texas.  It was ironic that this same weekend on my TimeHop was a picture of Joe and Hannah – Joe was a sophomore in high school and Hannah was graduating 8th grade. FIFTEEN YEARS!  It’s hard to believe that much time has gone by.  And how things have changed.  Both are married now. ...
June 9, 2020

They Said Yes to the Couch!

They Said Yes to the Couch!
This weekend stores started opening up again.  Hannah and Jacob are closing on their house tomorrow, and they don’t have any living room furniture.  I offered to start their living room by buying them a new couch as a housewarming gift. We went to Bob’s Discount Warehouse and was surprised not only with the selection but the prices as well.  After sitting in at least...
June 1, 2020

Welcome to My Bizzy Kitchen!

Welcome to My Bizzy Kitchen!
It seems weird to say welcome to my blog, because in September it will be 13 years old, but it’s been a very long time since I did a bit of a reintroduction to me and my blog.  I have new subscribers from Instagram, so I thought now would be a good time to fill you in on everything you need to know.  I am...
April 20, 2020

Healthline Type 2 Diabetes App

Healthline Type 2 Diabetes App
I was diagnosed with diabetes quite by accident.  The law firm I was working at had a health fare, and my boss hadn’t been to the doctors office in over 25 years.  I was 32 years old, and while overweight, I thought I was in okay health. A month before this health fare, my sister asked if we could do Weight Watchers together. To tell...
April 13, 2020

Last Day of Work for a While

Last Day of Work for a While
After today I will be working remotely.  I am so looking forward to it.  Not only because I think I can be more productive without the daily distractions – people stopping by my desk to chat on and off throughout the day, etc.  I tell Hannah all the time that I love my job when I get to do what I want to do -ha!...
March 17, 2020

World of Whirlpool

World of Whirlpool
Last week I reached out to one of my friends that I used to work with at The Chopping Block.  She hadn’t posted anything on Instagram for months.  Turns out she has a new job at a place called World of Whirlpool.  It’s literally 5 blocks from my office and I never even heard of it! Before I even walked in I thought “did Hannah...
March 9, 2020

Groundhog Day!

Groundhog Day!
My friend Mary Beth is in my cooking club and she lives about 10 minutes from me.  She came back to WW on Saturday and it was so good to see her.  With our friend Jeana there, it was like old home week. Later that afternoon, Mary Beth texted me “wanna wake up at the ass crack with us and go see the groundhog look...
February 3, 2020

I’m Back! Well, sort of. . .

I’m Back!  Well, sort of. . .
Hello!  I’ve missed you.  I can’t believe it’s been well over two weeks since I’ve done a proper post. Well, one reason was that my old laptop wasn’t working right.  I couldn’t log onto the internet, pictures wouldn’t post, etc.  I got a new laptop when I was with my brother and I am not sure why I was dragging my feet for so long...
December 4, 2019

Cooking Club!

Cooking Club!
I can’t believe last night was our last Cooking Club for 2019!    Courtney is the best hostess – I wish I had half the talent she does when it comes to entertaining.  How cute are our place settings?! How to Start a Cooking Club My friend Courtney brought together seven other women in various stages of their life who all have one thing in...
November 8, 2019