My friend Mary Beth is in my cooking club and she lives about 10 minutes from me.  She came back to WW on Saturday and it was so good to see her.  With our friend Jeana there, it was like old home week.

Later that afternoon, Mary Beth texted me “wanna wake up at the ass crack with us and go see the groundhog look for his shadow in Woodstock?”  If I’ve learned nothing more about myself, I have said yes to more things in the last couple years than I have the whole rest of my life.

As much as I like to think of myself as adventurous, I do like routine, and I don’t mind most days being like, well, Groundhog Day.  So I said yes!

The Meyer family is amazing.  If you are on Instagram, you need to follow her there.  She and her husband Josh have four children under the age of 8 – the youngest are both at the moment two years old, only 10 months different between the 3rd and 4th child.

What I love about them is that not only are they amazing parents, they also pay as much attention to their marriage and Josh is always coming up with adventures for him and Mary Beth without the kids.  It’s amazing to watch.

Hannah and Eden are the oldest.  Hannah is SO much like my Hannah.  Very organized.  Ready to shop for school supplies the day after the school year ends, and loves order.

Eden is very head strong, and if I can say it, she gives zero fucks about what anyone thinks of her and she is my spirit animal.  They recently found out she’s gluten intolerant and she is the first person to speak up if the food she is about to eat has gluten in it.

Josh and Jude.  What is there to say about a father/son love?  Josh isn’t just a father, he’s a Dad in the fullest sense.

Then the birth mom of Jude got pregnant not a month later with Selah, and asked if Mary Beth and Josh could take that baby too.  They didn’t hesitate to say YES!

It is always fun hanging out with them, and I love how they invite me on some of their family adventures.  And how sweet was Mary Beth to bring me balloons to celebrate reaching 75,000 followers on Instagram!  So sweet!

It was a great way to spend an early Sunday morning – picked up at 5:30 and back home by 8:30 – the day felt so long yesterday which was awesome!

Happy Monday friends – I’ll be back with mini sliders tomorrow.  Make it a great day!