This weekend stores started opening up again.  Hannah and Jacob are closing on their house tomorrow, and they don’t have any living room furniture.  I offered to start their living room by buying them a new couch as a housewarming gift.

We went to Bob’s Discount Warehouse and was surprised not only with the selection but the prices as well.  After sitting in at least a dozen sofas, they decided on a nice three piece set – couch, side chair and storage ottoman.

The sofa and side chair will be delivered on Wednesday and the ottoman is on backorder for a couple weeks.

They say June 1st is the new January.  I realized how little walking I was doing when I looked at the pedometer on my phone – some days I was walking just .3 miles a day.  So Saturday I decided to change that – and got off my butt and went on an hour walk.

Sunday I sent to a local trail just 1.6 miles from my house.  At first I was going to drive there, but then quickly realized that kind of defeats the purpose of getting steps in, so I walked 3.2 miles there and back, and spent about another mile walking on the trail.  What a gorgeous weekend of weather we had!

I have a new obsession with this brand of sauerkraut.  I found it by accident last week and the first one I tried was gnar gnar – it has jalapenos in it and is so flavorful spicy.  When I posted my repeat chicken sausage lunch I had two days in a row, people started telling me about all the other flavors so I went back to Walmart and bought them all!

My Mom came over yesterday!  I hadn’t seen her in THREE MONTHS!  Yes, I am shouting because that’s bananas.  We have talked nearly every day during this quarantine and FaceTime, but it’s not the same.

We sat on the deck, ate lobster rolls (recipe coming soon!) and enjoyed each other’s company.  We also went walking to the river – thankfully the water has receded some.

It was a great weekend.  In my little bubble of the world.  Yesterday there were riots in Chicago and many major cities.  It’s so sad to watch.  Fun fact about me is that I rarely watch the news.  Yet I know what’s going on.  But when I watch it for any length of time it makes me sad.  Sad because I can’t change anything.  Sad because I woke up this morning to a couple dozen direct messages on my Instagram saying that I was doing a “disservice” to my “influence” on IG by not talking about anything that is going on right now.

That my staying silent, I am part of the problem.  When I politely said that I wouldn’t cut and paste their comments into my stories and tag them, a few called me a selfish bitch.  Another dozen said that they would no longer follow me.  I am completely okay with that.

But when does freedom of speech give anyone the right to try to put words into my mouth?  I hear you.  I know what’s going on.  But if you don’t mind, I’ll continue to post food recipes and dogs.