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Cottage Cheese Biscuits

Cottage Cheese Biscuits
These cottage cheese biscuits are so good. Don’t you hate it when you think you want to make something and then realize you are missing an ingredient?  I started to make biscuits yesterday morning and had no milk of any kind.  No almond milk, skim, etc.  You know what I had?  Hazelnut Nutpods!  Cottage cheese is healthy! As soon as I grabbed the nutpods out...
May 25, 2020

Cottage Cheese Blueberry Pancakes

Cottage Cheese Blueberry Pancakes
These cottage cheese blueberry pancakes are great for your weekly meal prep.  So delicious! This was such a strange weekend.  Other than going to Bed Bath & Beyond to buy a new food processor (I broke one that a follower sent me 🙁 ) wherein I was the only person in the store.  I literally walked in, walked to the aisle where the food processors...
March 16, 2020

Mini Lemon Bundt Cakes

Mini Lemon Bundt Cakes
Hannah’s birthday was last Saturday, and I can hardly believe that she is 28 years old already.  Like, what?!   So in honor of her birthday I made these mini lemon bundt cakes – so cute! Also cute – baby Hannah at age 3!  This was at my Mom’s house and I remember she was walking by and leaning against my Mom’s refrigerator and said “take...
March 11, 2020

Banana Oat Pancakes

Banana Oat Pancakes
These banana oat pancakes are so good. My meal plan strategy is going over the weekend and was looking through sale flyers, but realized I still had plenty of food in my fridge/freezer and pantry that I didn’t need to buy anything but fresh fruit. This week I spent $6.68 cents on groceries.  Hannah doesn’t like a speck of brown on bananas – they were...
February 4, 2020

Breakfast Casserole Muffins

Breakfast Casserole Muffins
My friend MaryBeth is the inspiration for these breakfast casserole muffins.  She was our Head Chef at our last Cooking Club and she made the most delicious breakfast casserole.  While delicious, it wasn’t the most WW friendly dish – it was made with Grand’s biscuits, pork sausage, heavy cream, cheddar cheese – full metal jacket! But she said the only problem with making it for...
November 13, 2019

Caramel Apple Muffins

Caramel Apple Muffins
I am sad to say that the honeycrisp apple pie granola is now officially sold out.  Probably because I posted this recipe for Caramel Apple Muffins last week that pushed them over the edge.  Ha! Seriously though, these muffins are insanely delicious and only 4 WW points each.  #winning Hannah and Jacob went apple picking with their godson a couple weeks ago, and I had...
November 4, 2019

Pumpkin Pie French Toast Sticks

Pumpkin Pie French Toast Sticks
My weekend in L.A. was amazing, but I am still working on my blog posts about it because I don’t want to rush my thoughts.  Everything was amazing, from flying first class for the first time (um, that’s amazing!) to the accommodations to this amazing company that I have the privilege of working with – stay tuned – I promise to fill you in! On...
October 28, 2019

Pumpkin Cheesecake Muffins

Pumpkin Cheesecake Muffins
These pumpkin cheesecake muffins need to go on your list of things to make soon. I know there are some people out there who hate pumpkin season, but I love it.  I pretty much have a can of pumpkin (or 10) in my pantry all year round.  I’ve been dying to try the new pumpkin spice cheese spread from Alouette, and thought to make pumpkin...
October 21, 2019