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Buffalo Shrimp and Grits

Buffalo Shrimp and Grits
This buffalo shrimp and grits recipe is quick, easy and delicious! I won’t mind at all that this will be my breakfast three days this week.  I love the everything but the bagel seasoning on the baked potatoes.  I think next time I make this though, I’ll add some protein, this didn’t stick with me until lunch.  Six smart points if you are doing #backto30,...
March 6, 2018

Creamy Garlic Butter Tuscan Shrimp

Creamy Garlic Butter Tuscan Shrimp
I had such a fun weekend with my brother and his family. The best part is that we didn’t make a single plan all weekend – I think it was something we both needed – just to hang out and relax.  Since I was staying at my Mom’s house, I wasn’t distracted by laundry, or what I should be doing around the house.  It was...
February 27, 2018

Thai Shrimp Noodle Soup

Thai Shrimp Noodle Soup
I had a loss last week!  -.6, but I’ll take it.  Um, maybe there was some leftover wine from the celebration memorial for Jacob’s grandma, and maybe I had wine a couple nights last week.   I am totally fine with it – while the scale is moving slower, today I am wearing a pair of pants that Hannah gave me for Christmas that I couldn’t...
February 19, 2018

Shrimp and Grits

Shrimp and Grits
UPDATE:  This post is a couple years old, but I had to update the photography so you guys would try these super easy shrimp and grits.  If you haven’t tried grits before, they are so delicious and microwavable, so this shrimp and grits comes together in 10 minutes.   Do you guys love Dave Chappelle??  Tony and I used to watch his HBO specials all the...
February 14, 2018

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
I went to my final weigh in at Weight Watchers on Saturday and was pleased that I gained only .6 pounds during Christmas week.  So in 52 weeks I managed to gain 1.4 pounds – so call me the queen of maintenance!  If you’ve followed me all year, you’ll know I lost 20 pounds the first 10 weeks of 2017 – I tracked like a...
January 2, 2018

Ahi Tuna with Avocado Salsa

Ahi Tuna with Avocado Salsa
If you have not tried ahi tuna with avocado salsa, it’s so good!  My late husband introduced me to this and I just assumed I hated it and never gave it a chance. My sister and I were able to walk together for about 30 minutes – her schedule was a bit more open than mine, so she walked to my office, met my new...
November 9, 2017

Weekly WI and Shrimp Lo Mein

Weekly WI and Shrimp Lo Mein
This shrimp lo mein could not be easier or more delicious! Friday night I posted my dinner on Instagram and Connect, and I got all sorts of messages “recipe please!”  There isn’t really a recipe because there are only four ingredients, but I thought I’d post it here for reference. This is my favorite stir fry sauce – only 1 smart point per tablespoons and...
September 18, 2017

“Skinny” Shrimp Carbonara

“Skinny” Shrimp Carbonara
I know I’ve talked about these Joseph brand pita breads, but I absolutely love them.  The only thing is that next time I won’t try to stuff them – since they are only one point, they are thin, and when I tried to picked these egg white and romaine lettuce pita halves, they kind of fell apart.  I’m not mad about that though – at...
August 3, 2017

Shrimp Nachos

Shrimp Nachos
These shrimp nachos taste like the best bar food at home! I can’t even remember the last time I had a bagel, but my store had Dutch Farms bagels for .99 a package, so I picked up a package of everything bagels.  The whole thing would have been 6 points, but I thought, why not ditch the top?  I cooked my egg before work and...
May 3, 2017

Shrimp Stir-fry

Shrimp Stir-fry
I can usually get so much done at work in an hour before my actual start time without any distractions.  Yesterday I had plans of taking the early train in, but even though I had 5 minutes to spare (which is cutting it close for me!) the train that was supposed to come at 6:58, came at 6:53. And sat for 5 minutes and then...
April 18, 2017