UPDATE:  This post is a couple years old, but I had to update the photography so you guys would try these super easy shrimp and grits.  If you haven’t tried grits before, they are so delicious and microwavable, so this shrimp and grits comes together in 10 minutes.  

Do you guys love Dave Chappelle??  Tony and I used to watch his HBO specials all the time.  I saw this meme on Connect yesterday and it made me laugh out loud – hopefully some of you will think this is funny too. šŸ˜€ 

A simple hash was breakfast yesterday – have you tried Ore Ida Southwestern Hash?  It’s 3 points a cup and its really spicy and delicious.  I scrambled mine with one egg, spinach, and had fruit on the side with a tablespoon of granola for 6 points.  If you are counting Weight Watchers #freestyle, this would be 4 points.

My favorite part of the day is getting to walk with my sister – it was still a bit chilly so we walked Macy’s.  I finally found my fitbit this morning.  I thought it was on maybe a piece of clothing that was in my laundry basket, but it was underneath my bed!  It must have fallen off my night stand or maybe one of the dogs knocked it off.  I mean, I don’t need my fitbit to tell me I’ve moved, but I do strive to meet at least 10k a day.

I bought a pork tenderloin for myself over the weekend.  I am the only one who likes pork in my house, so instead of roasting the whole tenderloin, I sliced it into 4 ounce pork chops.  I had a small piece leftover and made a quick pork bbq – with Blackwood BBQ Carolina sauce – so good!   Lunch came in at 7 points – those my friends are baked Cheetos on my plate – so good and only 2 points for 16 which is perfect.

Later in the afternoon we got an email from the office of the building asking everyone to stay put – we weren’t technically on a lock down, but the front of our building which faces the Thompson Center, had reports of open fire.  It wasn’t until I got home that I found out that a high ranking officer was shot and killed responding to a robbery attempt.  So sad.

Makes you stop and remember that each day of life is a gift!


UPDATE – AUGUST 23, 2020 – The following photos were updated to this 2018 post.  Please make this – its so good!

this shows a plate of white grits with cooked shrimp on top, grilled zucchini and creole butter drizzled over the top

this shows all the ingredients needed to make shrimp and grits

a brown plate that has grits and shrimp with pan fried zucchini drizzled with creole butter


this shows a plate of white grits with cooked shrimp on top, grilled zucchini and creole butter drizzled over the top

Shrimp and Grits

This dinner only tastes like you are eating at a five star restaurant. Great for a quick dinner!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Course dinner
Servings -18
Calories 422 kcal


  • 4 ounces shrimp peeled and deveined
  • 1 small zucchini cut into long strips
  • 1/4 cup grits I used quick white grits
  • 1 cup water
  • 14 grams cheddar cheese grated
  • 1 tbsp I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Light
  • 1/2 tsp creole seasoning
  • 1 tbsp fresh parsley for garnish
  • 1 tsp grape seed oil


  • Place the grits in a 4 cup measuring cup with 1 cup water. Microwave for 3 minutes, add cheese, stir and set aside.
  • While the grits cook, add the oil to a skillet. Cook zucchini for 2 minutes a side. Set aside.
  • Add shrimp to the same pan as the zucchini, and cook for 2 minutes on one side and a minute on the other (this may need longer depending on the size of your shrimp). Remove from pan.
  • In the same pan, add the butter and creole seasoning, and once melted, drizzle over the shrimp and grits.


On team purple and blue this whole plate is 7 points.  On green it is 8 points.


This was so good – the shrimp was spicy from the creole seasoning the grits (er, polenta?) was creamy with the salty notes from the cheese and bacon bits.  I could easily eat this once a week and never get sick of it.  I was definitely a member of the clean plate club last night!

Happy Valentine’s Day – or Happy Velatini Day as Tony would have said šŸ˜€  If you are lucky enough to have your significant other or spouse – give them an extra hug and a kiss today, and if they ask why, tell them Biz told you to do it. šŸ˜€

Make it a great day!