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Ribs and Kids

Ribs and Kids
I got to hang out with my friend Mary Beth and her kids while her husband helped his sister work ribfest in Sycamore, Illinois on Saturday.  Mary Beth and Josh had FOUR kids under the age of 7.  I was a nervous wreck because there were so many people there and I kept counting, 1, 2, 3, 4 – okay, they are all here! I...
August 26, 2019


Oh hi!  Um, this was supposed to post yesterday.  I thought I published it from the train yesterday, but the internet kicks me off sometimes, and well, it never published.   Better late than never!  I am doing a giveaway of the following items my friend Jules from Instagram makes – you can see all her creations here – super talented!  She made this set for...
August 23, 2019

Let’s Get Ready to Bundle!

Let’s Get Ready to Bundle!
Good morning!  This post is going to be short and sweet – like me! 😀 The internet is spotty on the train this morning and I kept getting kicked off and even though I am saving my drafts, I’ve had to start over. I just wanted to mention that Safe + Fair is offering bundles now for back to school or off to school!  You...
August 21, 2019

River Roast

River Roast
River Roast is a great place on the river to grab delicious food and drink. Located across from the river walk, it's the perfect location.
August 14, 2019

Fox Valley Mall Meet Up

Fox Valley Mall Meet Up
My heart was so full on Saturday.  Erica and I had a meet up at Fox Valley Mall in Aurora in their My Perks room.  It was so cute!! You can tell in this picture that Erica and I can barely stand to be around each other. 😀  We get along like peas and carrots. 😀 We had a “presale” of the free tickets to...
August 12, 2019

Between Friends

Between Friends
Guys – I made Vegan waffles yesterday.  I know!  My new friend Justin of Crow Moon Kitchen is vegan, and I figured I would try one of his recipes.  You can find his original recipe here – he used something called “aquafaba” which apparently is the liquid in a can of chick peas that can be used in place of eggs.  Huh.  I decided to...
July 26, 2019

Cochon Volant

Cochon Volant
Good morning and happy Thursday!    First up – I am hosting a Step Bet!  If you have an iPhone, did you know you have a pedometer already on your phone – it’s under the health button!  So what is Step Bet?  You bet $40 that you will get all the steps allocated to you (based on your walking already – you can sync the...
July 25, 2019

Internet Friends

Internet Friends
It’s true that I have more internet friends than I have in real life.  But that’s what I love about the online community – you are never alone because there is always someone to talk to. When my late husband was sick and I would be spending day after day in the hospital with him while he slept, having my internet friends kept my sanity...
July 22, 2019