If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a dozen times – if you have the opportunity to meet your internet friends in real life, I highly recommend it.  Once you form an online friendship (and I still don’t agree with my late husband that you guys aren’t my friends if we haven’t met yet!) once you do meet, it’s like meeting someone you went to high school with and haven’t seen for a while.

That’s my friend Marlena – she organized this small event.  She wanted to keep it small and I was her guest.  After I posted pics on Instagram, so many people said “Biz, I would have come!”  I promise I’ll do a meet up in Milwaukee one day!

That’s her husband Adam, who I think tasted pretty much one thing from every vendor – he was so nice!

I think between the both of them they have lost over 150 pounds.  

Marlena and Tina – Tina lives by me and we’ve met a few times in real life already – have to laugh at Charlotte in the background!

That’s Kayla with Tina.

Me and Tina – I took a lot of video for my Instagram stories, so sad I don’t have pictures of everyone who was there.

After eating Vegan food the day before, I made up for it on Sunday.  These are spicy pork bbq tacos with a vinegar slaw and spicy BBQ sauce – never thought to do that before!  I also had three beers.  Which is why I am -61 points for the week! 

When we left the BBQ we went over to my hotel – The Kimpton Journeyman.  They have a rooftop deck and it was a gorgeous evening.  And when in Wisconsin, you must have a Spotted Cow beer.

How cute is this deck?!

And my friends at The Kimpton Journeyman took care of me – I had this lovely charcuterie tray, a bottle of wine chilled and a nice note welcoming me to Milwaukee.  It was awesome.  I went to bed at 10:30 on Sunday night, woke up at 8, did some blog work while I ate complimentary room service – it was a great weekend!

Next time I’ll be sure to hit up the Milwaukee Public Market – it was closed Monday for the holiday.

A couple of the women who attended almost didn’t come because they were nervous – but were so happy when they decided to come and had so much fun! 

It’s okay to get outside your comfort zone – it will be fine!

Happy Wednesday friends – make it a great day!  And don’t eat like an asshole.  Love, Biz