I got to hang out with my friend Mary Beth and her kids while her husband helped his sister work ribfest in Sycamore, Illinois on Saturday.  Mary Beth and Josh had FOUR kids under the age of 7.  I was a nervous wreck because there were so many people there and I kept counting, 1, 2, 3, 4 – okay, they are all here!

I also ran into my friend Tina and her family – always great to see her!

Josh’s sister Sarah works at a place called Tom and Jerry’s in Sycamore – they were the rib champs the last two years, and sadly didn’t win this year, but their ribs were amazing.

And I got to spend lots of time in my kitchen yesterday, which made me so happy!  It was a gorgeous weekend – perfect summer weather – not too hot and no humidity.

Lastly, the winner of my giveaway on Friday is . . .

M.J. JACOBSON!  Congrats M.J. – shoot me your address at mybizzykitchen@gmail.com. 

Happy Monday friends – make it a great day!