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Busy weekend!

Busy weekend!
I seriously do not know what I do with my hair when I sleep.  It will be straight as a board when I go to sleep, but when I wake up it look all curly in the right hand picture.  I texted the picture to my sister yeseterday and she was like “did you curl your hair?”  She thought I was going to work like...
September 25, 2015

Buttermilk Chobani Naan

Buttermilk Chobani Naan
Over the weekend I posted a picture of naan that I made and several of you have asked “when are you posting the recipe?”  Well, the answer is today. This is about the easiest naan I’ve ever made.  There is no yeast, so it doesn’t have to rise.  You basically mix it, divide it, roll it out and pan fry it in a bit of...
September 24, 2015

Happy 75th Birthday Momma!

Happy 75th Birthday Momma!
First off, thanks to everyone who commented, texted me, emailed me, Facebook messaged me, etc. for Tony’s birthday yesterday – it truly made the day easier for me and I thank you to the moon and back! Today, however, is my sweet Momma’s birthday!  Three quarters of a century old!  She doesn’t act like any 75 year old I know.  I normally have to book...
September 23, 2015

Happy Birthday Tony!

Happy Birthday Tony!
Right before Tony turned 50 I wanted to throw him a big party.  He would have nothing to do with it, even with me being pretty convincing!  He said he would compromise and that for his 55th birthday, I could have the biggest party for him. Today he would have been 55.  I think he somehow knew he wasn’t going to be here for it,...
September 22, 2015

Happy 26th Birthday Joe!

Happy 26th Birthday Joe!
Today my step-son Joe turns 26!  I literally cannot believe it.  He was 10 when I met him (okay – almost 11!) and he was this cute little chubby kid who I think at the time wondered who the hell I was coming into him and his Dad’s life.  Mind you, Tony and his ex-wife had already been separated/divorced for seven years, but it had...
September 21, 2015

Korean Chicken Fingers

Korean Chicken Fingers
Hannah and I are both feeling better, but it’s remarkable how much better Hannah is because she’s got so many medications, from prednisone – which was Tony’s favorite drug, well, right after dilaudid.   I remember the first time he took prednisone and he was walking everywhere, getting in and out of cars with no problem.  The only downside is that you can’t take prednisone as...
September 18, 2015

She’s Home!

She’s Home!
The only good thing about going to the hospital is getting the prized yellow envelope that says you can go home.  Hannah and I learned one at least one thing during this time – um, we maybe need to find her a primary care physician that isn’t her pediatrician!   They sent her home with antibiotics, an inhaler, cough medicine.  When she and Jacob came home...
September 17, 2015

My Baby is in the Hospital

My Baby is in the Hospital
I thought I posted before I went to visit Hannah this morning, but I must not have hit “publish.”   Hannah was having a hard time breathing yesterday morning, was having chills, sweats and coughing so hard so could hardly breathe, so Jacob took her to the ER.  First question they ask: “do you think you are pregnant.”  Answer:  No.  Second question:  “are you on...
September 16, 2015

Pumpkin Pecan Granola

Pumpkin Pecan Granola
When I was cleaning out my pantry this weekend I found a lone can of pumpkin leftover from last year.  I was wondering what to make with it so I just went to Pinterest (Hi, my name is Biz and I am a Pinterest whore) and just typed “pumpkin” and one of the first things to pop up was Dana’s Pumpkin Pecan Maple granola.  The...
September 15, 2015

English Muffins and Crusty Baguettes

English Muffins and Crusty Baguettes
This weekend was a low key weekend.  Still recovering from my bronchitis, so other than going to the grocery store, I was basically in my pajamas all weekend.  The problem with bronchitis is that I don’t necessarily “feel” bad, it’s just the nagging cough that’s so not satisfying.  I could go an hour without coughing, then I’d get up and start to do stuff around...
September 14, 2015