When I was cleaning out my pantry this weekend I found a lone can of pumpkin leftover from last year.  I was wondering what to make with it so I just went to Pinterest (Hi, my name is Biz and I am a Pinterest whore) and just typed “pumpkin” and one of the first things to pop up was Dana’s Pumpkin Pecan Maple granola.  The only thing I needed to get was pecans – boy are they expensive, but worth it!  Since I splurged on the pecans, I opted out of buying really good maple syrup and subbed in sugar free pancake syrup.  This was delicious – just the right amount of sweetness, but you could definitely taste the pumpkin.  Love.

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Not being able go walk or go to the gym is getting old because of this cough.   I am hoping by the end of this week I’ll be able to get back to my exercise routine.  I ended up bringing chili for lunch that was from my freezer, with maybe a touch of cheese.

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Hannah is still sick too.  She keeps sending pictures of tiny puppies to Jacob saying that having a tiny puppy would make her feel better.  Is there anything cuter than a brown Boston terrier?!

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Hannah also texted me that it’s only 7 paychecks until Christmas.  Where is this year going?!

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But you’ll be happy to know that Spring is right around the corner!

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It’s so weird not to have much of an appetite, or my lack of energy to cook anything other than simple stuff.  Like last night.  I could have gotten all creative and made beef and bean enchiladas, or fajitas, but in the end, simple nachos fit the bill.  I did fry up my own tortilla chips though!  Simply lay all the chips on a cookie sheet.  I cooked the ground beef until almost done before adding the black beans and taco seasoning.  Layered the beef mixture over the chips, topped with cheese and put under the broiler.  When they came out, I sprinkled with chopped baby spinach, cilantro, green onions for the kids, and queso fresco.  Done.  We even ate off the cookie sheet that’s how klassy it was.

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I had about six chips.  I did of course add hot sauce to mine – you know, to clear up my sinuses. Open-mouthed smile

I can’t believe it was a year ago today that I met these three ladies for the cooking contest in New York!   Happy to say that I am still friends with them a year later!

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Lauren, Shauna, and Megan – so happy to have met you guys! 

Alright, time to stop coughing and get to work – make it a great day!