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Party Pizza Wednesday

Party Pizza Wednesday
You guys, I am am falling more in love with this puppy every day.  He went to the vet yesterday for his first check up – he has a bit of a yeast infection in his ears, which I guess is common for dogs with ears that stick up.  So the kids had to put drops in his ears last night – he looked so...
October 29, 2015

Puppy and Prayers

Puppy and Prayers
Sunday I headed to Oak Park to see my Mom perform with the Sing to Live Community Chorus.  It was their 10th anniversary performance and I was looking forward to it.   My Mom sent me an email telling me that she’d be in the front row, but what I didn’t read was that she was going to be in the front row of the bleachers...
October 27, 2015

I live in a magazine.

I live in a magazine.
If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you’ve already seen my amazeball house.  Saturday night I literally stood in my dining room looking into my living room and I had to pinch myself that I was in MY house.  It was so surreal! Friday night I had to get the house ready for my friend Whitney to come decorate early the next morning.  I...
October 26, 2015

Everything is Almost Done!

Everything is Almost Done!
Eeek.  I can hardly stand it.  Yesterday we finally unwrapped the couch.  The dining table is back where it belongs.  The rest of my old furniture is being picked up tomorrow by the same woman who came and got my couch earlier this week, so we moved all of that out onto the deck and put a tarp over everything because we may get rain...
October 23, 2015

Goodbye . . . Red

Goodbye . . . Red
I am not going to lie when Hannah and Jacob were moving in just weeks after Tony died with their TWO dogs I was a little worried about how I would be with the dogs.  They didn’t know me all that much, and it had been three years since Tony and I had to put our dog Ed down.  But because the big dogs name...
October 22, 2015

Daydreams and Shoestrings

Daydreams and Shoestrings
It’s funny how Instagram sometimes trumps reading blogs these days.  I know I am pretty guilty of that – I can follow along with all my “friends” quickly on Instagram, and if for some reason I missed their last 10 posts, I can see them all at once.  Mari is one of those bloggers.   Wow, she and I probably go back to 2009 or 2010? ...
October 21, 2015

I am kind of done.

I am kind of done.
I’ve done a lot of thinking over the weekend.  Maybe it’s just the whole transition of the remodel of the house that’s taken place this week that has me taking a step back and contemplate where I am in my life. It all started on Friday night.  I was meeting my Mom at a restaurant near my office and Friday traffic being what it is,...
October 19, 2015

Whole 30 Sweet Potato Pancakes

I realized I totally forgot to show you all the loot from Cabot Cheese and King Arthur Flour in yesterday’s post! Veronica – that Sift magazine is glorious – as soon as I am done with it I’ll have to get your address and send it to you – you bake more than anyone else I know and I know how much you love King...
October 16, 2015

Day 1 in the Books

Day 1 in the Books
I am loving the comments on Instagram and the blog about the Whole 30.  The opinion is all over the map – some said that the restriction of certain food groups triggered weird mind games about food – others who normally didn’t crave anything until they couldn’t have it obsessed about what was lacking in their diet.  I am choosing to look at it in...
October 13, 2015