I am loving the comments on Instagram and the blog about the Whole 30.  The opinion is all over the map – some said that the restriction of certain food groups triggered weird mind games about food – others who normally didn’t crave anything until they couldn’t have it obsessed about what was lacking in their diet.  I am choosing to look at it in a positive light though.  Instead of focusing on what I can’t have, I am looking at what I can eat – lean meats, lots of fruit and veggies – the fruit and veggie part being the most lacking in my diet as of late.  I tried to drink coffee without my beloved hazelnut creamer (Jody, you’ll be happy to hear about that!) and I can’t stand black coffee by itself.  My friend Errign suggested full fat coconut milk because it’s creamy, and with that recommendation I think that Silk Unsweetened Coconut milk is Whole30 compliant.  I’ll have to pick some of that up later this week.

I got my butt out of bed for a glorious 20 minute walk before getting my stuff ready for work.  It was 59 degrees and perfect.

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I had a bit of extra time yesterday because I had to look for a file at our company’s storage unit.  The storage unit is closer to my house so I had an extra fifteen minutes and actually ate outside under the gazebo – I can’t remember the last time I ate breakfast out there.

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Leftover pork tenderloin, scrambled egg and egg whites with baby spinach and fruit.  This was delicious and I never once thought “I wish I had a slice of toast.”  On the way to the storage unit I stopped by Hannah’s work.  I did not get my cappuccino or latte – instead I got an unsweetened black tea iced tea.

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My downfall was not realizing how much energy I would be expending moving boxes for over an hour at this storage unit.  So when it got time to go on my lunch walk, my blood sugar was 117 – not the normal 220 that I like it to be.  So I ended up eating my lunch without insulin, walking for only 30 minutes at lunch so that I had enough energy to work out after work.  Sometimes diabetes is a pain in the fucking ass.  Sorry for swearing Momma, but it’s true.

Lunch was leftover Greek chicken, 1 cup of sautéed potatoes (all potatoes are Whole30 compliant!), some veggies and more fruit.  I bought this dressing at Aldi over the weekend – I thought it might be Whole30 safe, but I am not sure about the soybean oil?  Anyone have a clue?  I did take a tiny taste of it and it’s amazeballs, but I opted not to use it for a veggie dip until I knew for certain.  I do like that there is no added sugar in this dressing though!

PicMonkey Collage - tahini

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An hour after I ate I left for my 30 minute walk.  Kym, here is another fall picture – in another week or so everything will be turning.

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I am now 100% better – no coughing or anything and I am back to strength training.  I did 10 minutes of walking to warm up – this took me about 35 minutes to complete.  I actually used a 20 pound barbell for the wide grip barbell curl! 

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Again, since Hannah has school on Monday nights, it was Meat Monday.  My store had ribeyes on sale for $5.99 a pound – an incredible deal!   I did a quick pan sear in a bit of coconut oil.  I had some pepper and garlic seasoning, and was pretty generous with it, only to find out it was pepper and garlic SEASON salt.  But I ended up not over salting them (whew!) and these were delicious.  Jacob couldn’t stop raving about the beef and said that he’d like to place an order for this same dinner next Monday.  You know, just changing lives, one steak at a time!  On the side I did a potato/mushroom and zucchini hash.  This was so good if I do say so myself.   And I only ate half of the steak so that will be part of my breakfast this morning.

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So I was on the fence if I wanted to track calories or not, and decided for the first week I would.  My total day:  1406 calories.  Not too bad!  And I had just shy of 15,000 steps yesterday.

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Awesome news on the home front – my bedroom is being painted today!  My decorator friend suggested I paint it the same color as the walls in the living room, and I agreed.  Sadly, I’ve been living in a baby blue bedroom for 14 years and it’s time to go.  Everything is painted that color too – all the trim, window frame, trim around the closet.  The ceiling will get a fresh coat of white and all the trim will be painted white.  My couch is being delivered on Friday (tried to push it back until after the floor is in – but no such luck) and then all the flooring goes in next week.  I could possibly sit and watch t.v. in my living room by Halloween!  Fingers crossed it all goes well – we are going into month five of this construction and to say I am a bit sick of it is an understatement.

Time to put the rest of my food together – cannot wait for lunch – I made meatballs, homemade marinara and spaghetti squash!  Recipe will be on tomorrow’s blog post – you’ll just have to follow me on Instagram if you want to see how it turned out. Open-mouthed smile 

Make it a great day!