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Breakfast Muffins and Spaghetti Con Crema Di Peperone

Breakfast Muffins and Spaghetti Con Crema Di Peperone
I think yesterday was my perfect temperature day – it was 64 degrees when I woke up, it didn’t get hotter than 73 degrees.  Last night we had a cool breeze coming through the window requiring just a light blanket.  Now if I can only find a place that stays like that I’d be a happy camper! Right now it’s 51 degrees – by Thursday...
June 26, 2012

Zucchini, Ham, Potato & Cheese Quiche

Zucchini, Ham, Potato & Cheese Quiche
Just as I was fired up to get to the gym, or do any kind of workout, life got in the way yesterday.  If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.  But I love all my workout buddies who offered to help me this week – you guys rock! Had I made my quiche on Sunday, I wouldn’t have had to get up early...
June 19, 2012

Iced Café Mocha for One

Iced Café Mocha for One
We’ve been lucky to have a string of absolutely perfect weather.  Sunny, puffy white clouds, low 70’s.  I love that it gets down to 50 degrees at night.   If I could, I’d have all the windows open in my house and sleep under a down comforter.   But alas, Tony would likely kick me out of bed. 😀 I repeated yesterdays breakfast, just subbed out the...
June 7, 2012

Coconut Crunch Granola

Coconut Crunch Granola
A woman hosts a luncheon and she serves lobster rolls.  Everyone raved about them! They had fresh lobster, mayo, lemon zest, celery with a hint of lemon juice and lemon zest, served on a fresh baked bun – heaven!  She passed out the recipe.  One of her friends said “I made your lobster roll and it was awful!”  The woman didn’t know what to say,...
June 1, 2012

Roast Beef Breakfast Burritos

Roast Beef Breakfast Burritos
I am loving the emails and comments on how everyone is liking my Inspirational Diet!  I am three days in and I have to say its given me a renewed purpose.  I was just going through the motions with WW.  I am not saying I don’t like the program, because I do.  But I just lost my mojo on it. I can’t tell you the...
May 17, 2012

Breakfast Casserole with Zucchini and Sausage

Breakfast Casserole with Zucchini and Sausage
I have Kelly to thank for this casserole idea.  I did tweak her recipe a bit though – I decided to make a smaller casserole with only 4 servings, and I added shredded zucchini to the casserole.  I love the idea of the refrigerator biscuit bottom layer – never would have thought of that! Breakfast Casserole with Zucchini and Sausage 4 servings:  419 calories, 23...
May 8, 2012

Bacon and Pepper Egg Bake

Bacon and Pepper Egg Bake
I have so many of those tiny peppers to use up. I kind of get crazy when I see stuff on the $1 rack! I think I’ll grill some up to make a grilled pepper soup, but decided to sauté some up to make something for breakfast and see where my inspiration took me. A quick look in the fridge and I had . ....
April 16, 2012

Paleo Breakfast Casserole

Paleo Breakfast Casserole
I have Helen to thank for this delicious breakfast.  I never would have thought to sub sweet potatoes into a breakfast casserole.  And I have to admit.  I was a tad bit nervous.  I am new to liking sweet potato.  In like, I only tried sweet potatoes about 3 1/2 years ago. And while Helen adapted her recipe to what she had on hand/liked.  I...
April 2, 2012

Fruit Puree Granola – Winning!

Fruit Puree Granola – Winning!
I hadn’t had a bagel in a long time and knowing starting tomorrow that I am going to be limiting my carbs for the month of April, I indulged in a bagel breakfast sammie – a delicious and filling 10 point breakfast. I had a couple errands to run at lunch yesterday – it was rainy and cold so I didn’t work out.  I ended...
March 31, 2012

BSI – Breakfast! Muffins and Inspiration

BSI – Breakfast!  Muffins and Inspiration
As Tony and I were eating dinner last night, we both remarked that we should eat corned beef more often.  OMG, super tender.  All I did was pour one light beer in my crock pot, added the seasoning packet that came with the brisket, put chopped carrots and potatoes on the bottom then laid that glorious piece of meat on top – put the top...
March 18, 2012