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The Perfect Omelet

The Perfect Omelet
I love when there is leftover steak, because that means I get to fix a steak omelet!  I diced up 2 ounces of steak and just heated it up just enough to get the chill of the fridge off – I still want it pretty rare. View Full Album 2 eggs 1 ounce shredded mozzarella (the fine shred really looks like a lot of cheese!)...
July 19, 2009

Black Rice Egg Bake

Black Rice Egg Bake
Last night I made black rice, but my camera battery died before I could take a picture!  It’s jet black in the bag, but turns to a purple after its cooked – we all liked it and it reminded us of wild rice with the nuttiness. I had two ounces left over so I decided to base my breakfast on that!  2 ounces cooked black...
July 14, 2009

Best Omelet EVER!

Best Omelet EVER!
I can’t get over the feeling that its not Saturday!   Gotta love three day weekends! 😀 I decided on making on omelet, and I let me cheese choice at the farmers market dictate what I was going to make.  When I looked in the fridge I realized that I had leftover taco meat, so that, mixed with some of the cheese, became my stuffing.  Oh,...
July 3, 2009

Four Pepper Goat Cheese Souffle for One

Four Pepper Goat Cheese Souffle for One
I did a quick google search last night for “Phase I breakfast ideas” and one of the first ones to pop up was a souffle!  I’ve never made a souffle, let alone tasted one, but I knew I had some goat cheese and eggs so I gave it a try! 1.25 ounces goat cheese (mine just happened to be four pepper flavor) 1 tablespoon fat free mayo...
July 2, 2009

Ham and Egg Bread

Ham and Egg Bread
No, I didn’t have bread, but I baked my breakfast in a new mini bread pan my Mom found for me at a garage sale. 1 cup egg beaters 1 cup egg white 3 ounces chopped lean deli ham 2 ounces chopped baby spinach 2 ounce Mexican cheese blend Each loaf comes in at 76 calories, 1.9 fat, 11 protein, 2.5 carbs and .6 fiber. ...
June 30, 2009

Best Homemade Pancakes!

Best Homemade Pancakes!
I had a taste for pancakes today, and since Tony and I are going to start South Beach tomorrow, I figured it was now or never! Fluffy Pancakes 2 cups flour 2 tablespoons baking powder 3 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 3/4 cup skim milk 2 eggs, beat separatedly before ading to mixture 1/4 cup (4 tablespoons) melted butter Mix dry ingredients first.  Mix...
June 28, 2009

The Ultimate Egg Sammie

The Ultimate Egg Sammie
Tony loves me, he really loves me! This weighed in at 4.3 ounces, so I decided to make it a half egg sammie – 1/2 bagel, 1 fried egg, 1/2 ounce swiss cheese Breakfast comes in at 310 calories, 15 fat and 23 fiber. I have to get going – Hannah and I have some garage saling (sp?) to do before she has to work,...
June 27, 2009

Spinach and FF Feta Egg white Omelet

This Spinach and FF Feta Egg white Omelet is quick, delicious and easy. It took me about 40 minutes, but we have two clean fridges!  Mind you, the second fridge in the basement is typically the “beverage” fridge.  But around any holiday, it becomes the food overflow, and sadly, many food items get forgotten in there! I didn’t even realize I had a whole container...
April 14, 2009