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Apple Sauce Donuts and 170 Miles

Apple Sauce Donuts and 170 Miles
We had a wonderful, relaxing weekend!  Usually I spend lots of time in my kitchen, doing laundry, cleaning etc.  I did do some cooking to start off Tony’s birthday on Saturday morning. I had an idea to make donuts – I’ve been seeing pumpkin donuts everywhere lately, but I have yet to stock my fall/winter pantry with canned pumpkin.  FYI, Aldi has the cheapest canned...
September 23, 2012

Blueberry Corn Pancakes

Blueberry Corn Pancakes
Over the weekend when I was doing an inventory of my freezer and fridge, I realized I still had some blueberries left over from when I went to Michigan in July!  When I texted Hannah a picture of my breakfast and said “I used some of the blueberries from Michigan” she said “mine were gone within two weeks! Sunday morning when I made these pancakes,...
September 20, 2012

Canadian Bacon Breakfast Casserole

Canadian Bacon Breakfast Casserole
This Canadian Bacon Breakfast Casserole will be perfect for a weekly meal prep! It was dark on Sunday night by the time we ate.  I pulled out a pork roast Saturday to defrost and cooked it on the Weber Sunday night.  I rubbed it with horseradish mustard, salt, pepper and fresh chopped rosemary. I know I can cook pork until 145 degrees – pink pork...
September 18, 2012

Summer Quiche

Summer Quiche
I had to laugh at some of the comments yesterday to Tony’s Q&A!  Yes, I think we all agree that he will always be Tony on the blog! And to clarify about Tony’s not eating leftovers as a child.  His Mom is a very good cook and Tony tells me that a lot of times they didn’t have leftovers was because they ate everything she...
August 30, 2012

PB Banana Bread with PB Glaze

PB Banana Bread with PB Glaze
My post was so quick on Saturday morning that I didn’t have a chance to tell you that I had Party Pizza Friday!  This time I picked up a $5 pizza at our local grocery store, I tricked my side out with leftover roasted jalapenos from my salsa making last week, and diced green peppers.  Tony had sauteed mushrooms on his side, and I may...
August 26, 2012

Green Monster!

Green Monster!
Okay, I have to be honest, I’ve been seeing Green Monsters around food blogs for literally years.  The thought of drinking a spinach drink just turned me off.  But I’ve always kept the idea in the back of my head as if “some day” I’ll try one. As luck would have it, my store had bunches of spinach on sale for .50 cents a bunch. ...
August 7, 2012

Chobani Blueberry Muffins

Chobani Blueberry Muffins
What a great weekend we had!  The weather had a slight fall feel to it – fall is my favorite season of the year.  Not sure if its because that’s when school started and its like a clean slate, but my ideal temperature is between 50-60 degrees. I have to give a shout out to O Olive Oil.  A while back I entered a recipe...
August 6, 2012

Zucchini Mashed Potato Breakfast Pancakes

Zucchini Mashed Potato Breakfast Pancakes
Since reading my new work out book that there are good times and bad times to have starchy foods, I decided to use some leftover mashed potatoes to make some zucchini breakfast pancakes. Mind you, these are not the crispy versions you probably are used to seeing with the crunchy edges. These are more like mashed potato pancakes with a zucchini flavor – fluffy, light...
August 3, 2012

Two Recipes!

Two Recipes!
Thanks for all the kind comments yesterday about my day spent with my family!  Glad you think Charlie looks as good as I think he does. 😀 I have Jacky to thank for my breakfast yesterday.  A while back she posted a recipe for a cauliflower buffalo dip that looked amaze balls. But I never ended up making this because I went to Virginia, so I...
July 17, 2012

Breakfast Pizza

Breakfast Pizza
I had leftover dough from our deep dish pizza night and its been ages since I made a breakfast pizza.  This time it was ham, fresh basil, one egg, 4 ounces of pizza dough and 1 ounce of mozzarella cheese. I put it in the oven and then tried and tried to get our dog out.  Tony had already left for an early Monday morning...
July 3, 2012