I have Kelly to thank for this casserole idea.  I did tweak her recipe a bit though – I decided to make a smaller casserole with only 4 servings, and I added shredded zucchini to the casserole.  I love the idea of the refrigerator biscuit bottom layer – never would have thought of that!

Breakfast Casserole with Zucchini and Sausage

  • 4 servings:  419 calories, 23 fat, 24 carbs, 1.3 fiber and 25 protein


  • 9 refrigerator biscuits
  • 6 ounces breakfast sausage
  • 7 ounces shredded zucchini (2 medium)
  • 3/4 cup egg beaters
  • 3/4 cup liquid egg whites
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 chopped chipotle pepper, chopped
  • 1 ounces of shredded extra sharp cheese

Layer the biscuits in the bottom of a dish sprayed with Pam.  Press down to make a dough layer.  Cook the breakfast sausage until cooked through.  Drain and then layer over the biscuits.  Saute the zucchini and chipotle pepper in the same pan for a few minutes, then add to the sausage layer.  Pour the eggs over top, sprinkle with salt and pepper. top with cheese and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until the eggs are set and the top is golden brown.

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This was surprisingly filling.  The only thing I’d do differently is maybe make it the night before and let the egg mixture soak into the biscuits so it would be more quiche like, but this was filling and delicious.  Thanks for the inspiration Kelly!

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It was a crappy day outside so no walk for me.  I did get a work project done though so I am happy that is over with. Open-mouthed smile

Lunch was beef and zucchini tostadas.  I am not sure how well you can see the base of the tostadas, but I made a pinto bean puree.  I took a large can of pinto beans, liquid and all, and cooked that over medium heat with about a teaspoon of minced garlic, 1 teaspoon cumin and 2 chipotle peppers.  After 15 minutes I took it off the heat and pureed it with my stick blender.  It was spicy deliciousness. Open-mouthed smile

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I have to tell you, those pickled jalapenos and radishes I made get hotter and hotter each day I eat them – these were just on the threshold of being too spicy – even for me!

When I got home I couldn’t remember what I had planned for dinner, so I started to ask Tony what he wanted.  I said “I have stuff to make burgers” and he said “burgers it is!”

I only used half a bun, 4 ounces of ground sirloin, 1 slice of mozzarella cheese, pickles and um, maybe a little bit of habanero mustard on top.  Am I the only one who has three opened bags of fries in my freezer?  How the hell does that happen?!

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I never did figure out my calories for yesterday – but I am probably right around 1500.  I did snack on some chipotle sunflower seeds last night while we caught up on our Sunday shows we DVR’d.

Anyone watching Celebrity Apprentice?  Do you want to punch Aubrey O’Day in the face like I do?  I’ve never “met” a more ego centric person in my life!  And I am sorry – Teresa from Housewives of New Jersey?  You did not show America that you are more than just a housewife.

Alright – off to jump in the shower and get ready for work – it looks nice out today so I AM WALKING TODAY!  See, I put it in caps, so that means it’s gonna happen.

Make it a great day!