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30 Minute Bolognese

30 Minute Bolognese
Monday’s are always hard for me to get up because I usually sleep in on Saturdays and Sundays.  The alarm went off at 6:45.  Then 7:00 and finally at 7:10 I got up.  I still had to blog, get dressed and put together my breakfast.  I am sure I’ve mentioned it, but I have to leave the house at 8:00!  Breakfast turned out to be...
May 19, 2015

Reuben Baked Potatoes

Reuben Baked Potatoes
It felt so good to start my day with stretching – it kind of eased my way into the day.  It’s been in the low 30s in the morning still around here, so it was nice to be comfy in my pjs doing stretches. I had a low carb breakfast yesterday.  Not that I am doing a low carb diet at all, but I think...
April 30, 2015

Smokey Chipotle Chili with Ranch Sour Cream

Smokey Chipotle Chili with Ranch Sour Cream
I made breakfast nachos again yesterday morning – I could probably eat them every day and never get sick of them.  I posted it on Instagram, tagged Frank’s RedHot, and check it out – they are now following me on Instagram! I never got a chance to workout at lunch – the attorneys are getting new cell phones and I needed to program them to...
February 10, 2015

German Potato Salad Smoked Sausage Soup

German Potato Salad Smoked Sausage Soup
Thanks for all your kind comments on yesterdays post.  I mainly wrote that for my future self.  A year from now I didn’t want to look back at my blog posts and think “is all she thought about was fucking food?!”  I have to just write that stuff to just get it off my chest so to speak, so thank you for listening. I didn’t...
February 4, 2015

Best Beef Stew

Best Beef Stew
It was a wonderful weekend.  Although I have to realize that if we do a lot on Saturday, Tony is usually wiped out on Sunday.  But it actually worked out okay – we get to spend Saturday together, and then Sunday, he relaxes watching football, and I, of course, am Bizzy in my Kitchen! Saturday we went to Wok N Fire before going to the...
November 2, 2014

Someone You Should Know

Someone You Should Know
You all know that I LOVE Instagram.  I am finding so many cool people to follow.  Not surprisingly, I do follow a lot of chefs, famous or not.  Some who are going through culinary school (#jealous!) and Chef’s like Graham Elliot, who actually takes a lot of pictures of his wife and says stuff like “I can’t believe this hottie married me!”  Aw, so cute! ...
October 30, 2014

Balls, Zucchini Balls.

Balls, Zucchini Balls.
My Bizzy Kitchen | From the kitchen of the Biggest Diabetic Loser: a healthy balance of food and exercise. . . while keeping blood sugars normal! I ended up doing 15 minutes of Classical Stretch before work in anticipation of me doing my first leg strength workout in a long time. I’ve talked about Classical Stretch over the years, but whenever my body starts to...
October 15, 2014

It Was All About the Beef!

It Was All About the Beef!
I am happy to say that I have used up a good part of the sirloin tip roast I made over the weekend.  We had it Sunday night, Thursday night I made myself a beef, red pepper and spinach quesadilla, and I decided Thursday night to use beef in all three of my meals yesterday! First up?  Roast beef hash.  I’ve talked about canned diced...
October 11, 2014

Homemade Gyros and 15 minute Naan

Homemade Gyros and 15 minute Naan
I opened one of the Cabot Cheese’s I was sent over a week ago, and it was the star in both breakfast and lunch.  Alpine Cheddar! After I published yesterday’s post, I went to take pictures of the honey roasted almond bars I made, only to realize I left the camera on all night, so the battery was dead.  I brought my charger to work...
October 9, 2014

Getting Back in the Game

Getting Back in the Game
It’s been way too long of me sitting on the side lines these last few months.  I don’t know if I am having a mid-life crisis or what, but ever since Tony went to the Mayo Clinic this summer, I haven’t been able to keep it together.  Sure, on the outside you wouldn’t know that I am any different.  But with the fear of the...
October 6, 2014