Last I left you on our Beef tour, we had just finished cutting up our beef when we were asked to take one portion of our cut up meat and make any dish we want.  Cook in the Cattleman’s Association Culinary Kitchen?  Um, yes please!  I didn’t hesitate!  It was kind of like I was on Chopped, but I had an awesome pantry and fridge to work with.

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I decided to make a salt, rosemary and pepper crusted filet mignon with a crispy potato summer hash and blue cheese mushrooms.  I immediately took 4 baby potatoes in the microwave and one of the girls looked at me like I was crazy, but it was a quick way to cook the potatoes so I could pan fry them.

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So delicious!  My friend Karli recreated the dish when she got home – here is the rest of the recipe for you Karli!  She didn’t realize I used butter.  It was so fun to use their test kitchens and to get to know the other bloggers better while cooking in the kitchen.  Um, taste testing all the other dishes didn’t suck either!


My eats yesterday were an hour later than usual so that I’d have enough energy to get through my running club.  It worked great!

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I ended up having a banana and my protein bar at around 5:45 – the running club started at 6:30 and it worked out great.  I was able to run my last half mile at an 11:04 minute pace!

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The weather was perfect too – overcast and around 70 degrees.  We met back at Dick Pond and I ended up buying some stuff to help me on my walks if my blood sugar starts to tank.  I like that these gummies below have 24 grams of carbs for 3 and just 50 calories.  I also bought nuun, goo and some other stuff and I’ll find out what works and probably buy it offline a lot cheaper!

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With my AM walk, lunch walk and running club, I got my steps in!

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AND A HUGH SHOUT OUT TO JACOB who put my new Weber grill together.  Isn’t she pretty!  I’ve had many many amazing meals off of our old one (that actually came with the house when we bought it 14 years ago) so I have no idea how old it is.  The new one is a pretty copper color, and has a catch on the bottom for the coals (unlike my old one where they just fall on the ground!) and it also has a temperature gauge.  Cannot wait to try this out!  Thanks Jacob!

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Alright, I am all of a sudden running really late.  I am in the process of making pancakes for Meal #2, I still need to shower and I have to leave in 15 minutes – totally doable!  Make it a great day!