If you missed my post yesterday, you need to make these salt and pepper biscuits – they made the best breakfast sammie.  Scrambled eggs, a tablespoon of bacon bits (1), 1/2 ounce cheese (2) and the biscuit (5) – so delish!  And super filling too – I didn’t even eat my lunch until after 2 p.m.!

salt and pepper biscuits

Our weather was stunning yesterday – blue skies and 70 degrees.  My sister and I got our walking shoes on The River Walk.

As we were talking a walking, a woman stopped us and said to me “I love your blog!”  What?!  Yes my friends, I had my very first recognition in real life (not an event where people knew I would be there) and it took my by surprise.  Hey Vicky!  I wish I would have taken a pic with you, but turns out she’s a legal secretary too, so we can have some interesting stories to tell – we’ll do lunch this summer or grab drinks after work in The River Walk – mkay?!  Thanks for saying hello.

This is real life – I got back from our walk and I got really busy.  I reheated this zero point soup three times, and in the end, still didn’t finish it.  I will post this recipe when I have better photography because it’s delish – kind of like a chicken tortilla soup, except without the tortillas – I thickened it up with a can of fat free refried beans.

I didn’t do a formal grocery shop, because I think I can come up with enough stuff to eat (except for lunch today, because I meant to defrost chicken breasts in the fridge overnight to cook up for lunch today and forgot!).  So I bring you another episode of Chopped at My Bizzy Kitchen 😀  You can see the video below of the stuff I had to work with.

This couldn’t be easier – put everything in a bowl, mix with a fork, and start cooking!  Now, I pan fried these in just a tiny bit of ghee and Pam so they would hold their shape because I planned on finishing them off in the deep fryer.  I also tried to make sweet potato chips, but that didn’t work out, but you know what, didn’t miss that at all – these fritters are so good!

When I was writing this recipe on my computer on the way home from work, I made this two servings.  Ha!  It’s more like 4, but I got 12 fritters out of this recipe, so I ate 6 and gave the other 6 to Hannah and Jacob.

I was eating my dinner in the living room and Hannah yelled from the kitchen “these are fucking amazing Mom – don’t lose this recipe!”  (where the hell did she learn to swear like that? like a fucking sailor!) 😀  She also told me that she would pay “top dollar” for this appetizer at a restaurant.

You see, Hannah will remind me every few months about the best soup I ever made – a black bean soup (before the blog) that I made when she was probably 14 or 15.  I am sure I just threw together whatever I had on hand, but she still talks about it to this day, and even though I’ve tried to recreate it for her, it’s always not quite right.  Don’t worry Hannah, I wrote down the recipe for this one!

You don’t need to deep fry these at all, I just had the fryer going for the sweet potato chips – you can cook them in a skillet for about 2-3 minutes a side over medium low heat.  

I garnished mine with dots of green salsa for dipping, chopped tomato and cilantro “salsa” and pea shoots that I bought at the farmers market 10 days ago 😛

These were light, crispy, sweet, spicy – loved the pop of acidity from the tomatoes and green salsa.  Love.  And I have been loving having appetizers for dinner – I am not too full but perfectly satisfied.


Yum.  I put this into the recipe builder and 6 fritters, or half of the recipe, comes in at 5 smart points, I added a point for the oil.  

I can’t wait to make these with farmers market corn in a few weeks when corn is available.  I could probably eat this once a week and be perfectly fine with that.

We are back to cooler temps, and I am fine with that – it’s nice not to have to run the central air days on end.  I think when Jenn and I walk today it will be in the 50’s.  Love.

Happy Tuesday friends – make it a great day!  Let me know if you make these 😀