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‘6 smart points’

Oatmeal Crunch Apple Scones

Oatmeal Crunch Apple Scones
I’m not mad about still having about 10 pounds of apples.  The only thing I was mad about this weekend was our temperatures – in the mid 80s!  That didn’t prevent me from heating my stove to 425 degrees to make these oatmeal crunch apple scones.  I have to give credit to my girl Jessica from How Sweet Eats for the inspiration on this one. ...
September 16, 2018

Pickled Jalapeño Corn Fritters

Pickled Jalapeño Corn Fritters
If you missed my post yesterday, you need to make these salt and pepper biscuits – they made the best breakfast sammie.  Scrambled eggs, a tablespoon of bacon bits (1), 1/2 ounce cheese (2) and the biscuit (5) – so delish!  And super filling too – I didn’t even eat my lunch until after 2 p.m.! Our weather was stunning yesterday – blue skies and...
June 5, 2018

Potato Soup with White Beans and Kale

Potato Soup with White Beans and Kale
I believe I left off yesterday’s post stating that I wasn’t sure how my WI would go after such a big one the week before.  But I knew I had followed the plan, stayed away from my beloved wine, etc.  So I was very happy to see a –1.4 weight loss! That brings me to –5.2 in two weeks (and a total of 8 pounds...
January 6, 2017

Leftover Beef and Bean Chili

Leftover Beef and Bean Chili
I hit the ground running at work yesterday it was so busy.  But I was lucky enough that my train actually got into the station a bit early so I had time to eat my breakfast before the craziness ensued. Another 6 smart point breakfast – 5 for the quiche, and 1 for the salad.  I decided to dice my apples up and put it...
December 29, 2016

Potato Crusted Quiche

Potato Crusted Quiche
Yep, the queen of maintenance is what you can call me! Up .8 for the week, and up .4 since April 21, so basically the same as when I started going back to WW meetings.  And while I wish the scale was going down, I do know that being aware of what I eat has prevented me from being 200 pounds by now.  This last...
June 8, 2016

Hacked and Sick

Hacked and Sick
If you are friends with me on Facebook, then you’ll know that my account got hacked over the weekend.  I knew something was weird when I saw over a dozen instant messages pop up one right after the other in the matter of a minute.  Um, turns out someone was using my Facebook account to send a porn video of all things.  It had my...
April 11, 2016