Is there anything better than crispy shrimp?

The other day I made these crispy shrimp and I basically want to put them on my menu each week.

I used regular frozen shrimp from @marianos – just $6.99 a bag, but I swear they tasted just like lobster!

The recipe is so simple – my first thought was to deep fry, but I know not everyone has a deep fryer, so a quick pan fry was all that was needed.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mommas out there.  It was weird not spending it with my Mom, but Hannah and Jacob overdid themselves on brunch!  Check out all this food!

Jacob made those delicious raspberry and lemon curd tarts from scratch and they were stunning.   I think I ate six of them throughout the day – insulin worthy!

Thank you to Hannah for making me a Momma – throw back to when she was 16??

Thanks to my Momma for making me the strong independent woman I am today:

And to my MIL Bonnie, who gave me the best 14 years with her son:

It’s another week of working from home.  I think this begins the 8th week working from home?  So far it’s been working.  I have set up a tiny home office in the dining room – in the corner I have a shelf that holds my printer and work papers so at the end of the day my work is put away.

My bosses have been doing awesome working remotely.  I miss seeing my friends though.  I do facetime with a few nearly every day, but it’s not the same.  Still loving the 1o second commute vs. the 90 minute one way commute!  And its been nice saving the $239 on my monthly train pass.  I may or may not have bought myself apple air pods with some of the money I would have spent on my train ticket.  #treatyoself

Happy Monday friends – you’ll want to come back tomorrow where I’ll share the most delicious glazed Asian meatballs. 

Until then, make it a great day!