I was so confident going into Saturday’s weigh in.  Two weeks before I had a 3 pound loss, followed by a .2 loss, so I was expecting the scale to catch up with me on Saturday.  Um, have you seen my tracker?!  So many blue dots!

So I was a bit shocked that I again lost only .2.  Huh.  I was disappointed for a second, but then told myself to shake it off and move on.  Much like if you have one flat tire you wouldn’t stick a knife in the other three, I am going to continue on and I know that the scale will eventually catch up.

And, I am proud to say that I am still team #dryjanuary – thank you very much.  I really wanted a glass of wine Saturday night, but being so close to the end of the month, skipped it.  Oh, and have I mentioned that I have FOUR bottles of wine in my pantry from holiday gifts?!  #nsv for sure!

I am still down 3.4 pounds for the month, and had I not been on Weight Watchers I could have easily continued on the holiday bus and gained 10 pounds this month, it’s all good.

But it got me to thinking, in the end, it’s still calories in/calories out, and while chicken, eggs and yogurt are all “free” on the program, they still have calories.  So I am tweaking my points this week – on days that I have mostly “free” stuff, I am lowering my daily points to 19, and on days where I eat regular food (i.e. beef, rice, etc.) I am counting those days 25-28 – all while eating my weekly points.

I had such a nice day on Saturday.  Jacob was working all day and Hannah was hanging out with her friend.  The house was quiet, by 10:00 a.m. I’d already been to WW, got my car washed, and did my grocery shopping.  Total score on the discount meat bin at Jewel!  I know it’s boneless skinless chicken breasts that are free on Weight Watchers, but I also grill or roast my chicken breasts on the bone – so much more flavor, and turns out the dogs like chicken skin. ๐Ÿ˜€

You may remember that I made a batch of my skinny pizza dough on I made for my buffalo chicken chili last week?  I pulled two ounces off to make the naan above – just pan fried in a teaspoon of grapeseed oil – so fluffy and delish!  I love how versatile this dough is.

It was near 50 degrees on Saturday and I had to grill. I bought a fresh turkey breast, did a dry marinade on it and left it in the fridge for several hours before letting it get to room temperature before grilling.  Is there a better smell than grilling meat?!  

I cooked the turkey over indirect heat, and turned it once and pulled it once the meat thermometer hit 157 degrees.  I know all the cookbooks and experts tell you to cook turkey breast to 165 degrees, but that doesn’t take into consideration the residual heat.  I let this turkey rest for 30 minutes before slicing and it was so juicy!  Jacob loves it when I grill meat. 

Perfect Grilled Turkey Breast

Sunday morning I made 2 point bagels, using 2 ounces of the dough, adding an egg wash and poppy seeds.  For these bagels I baked them at 350 on my baking steel for 13 minutes.  This is a salad plate to give you a scale of these mini bagels, Hannah loved them!  #winning

Here is what happens to me when I recipe develop.  I know I should have one book where I scribble all my recipes down so I know where to find them.  Last week I made a batch of chick pea brownies and they were delicious and only 2 points for 1/9 of a 9×9 pan.  I didn’t have good light because I made them at night, and when I went to recreate them this weekend, I couldn’t find the recipe.  Doh!

No big, I went back to the few recipes that I got ideas from, though I recreated it again (well, this time I added pumpkin which could have been my fatal mistake!) and they turned out looking like I took dog poop from the back yard, spread it in a pan, added chocolate chips and then baked it.  

The flavor was good, but this was an epic fail.  Just want to let you know that there are mishaps in my kitchen – a lot!

Which brings us to Sunday dinner.  This is Certified Angus Beef sirloin tip steak.   It’s super economical at around $3.99 a pound, which is about half the cost of sirloin, but can be just as delicious.  I did a marinade for this 5 ounce steak:  1 teaspoon grapeseed oil, 1 teaspoon, 1 teaspoon minced garlic, 1 teaspoon fresh ginger, salt, pepper and 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar.  The vinegar helps tenderize the meat.  And since this was a small steak, it only took about 90 seconds per side in a hot cast iron skillet for medium rare.  And you have pomme frittes with steak, no?! 

I was a homebody much of the weekend and I love that sometimes.  The dogs and I relaxed, I went to the library and read a book for a couple hours yesterday.  It was the perfect balance of productiveness and lazy. 

How was your weekend?  We got a layer of snow last night, and the cold air is going to stick around for a while.  Good news is that it’s staying lighter longer, so spring can’t be too far off!

Happy Monday friends – I’ll be back tomorrow with a 3 point copycat Starbucks lemon loaf recipe!  Hannah gave it two thumbs up. ๐Ÿ˜€  

Make it a great day!