Have any of you tried my simple naan bread yet?   It made a really good breakfast sandwich yesterday.  Although I tried to crisp it up in the toaster, but that just made it soft and chewy, which I didn’t mind at all!  The naan bread is 3 points, on the inside is egg whites, spinach and an ounce of Trader Joe’s mozzarella (1) and fruit on the side.  With my coffee creamer (2) – breakfast was 6 points.

naan breakfast sandwich

My sister and I walked Macy’s because it was still cold out.  They are having a flower show and the flowers were amazing – they smelled so good!  I can’t imagine the amount of work it took to put that together – if you are visiting, or live in Chicago, it will be up until April 8.  

At the end, I couldn’t help but sit in the Queen’s chair!

I talk about buying a rotisserie chicken most weekends.  I can’t pass up the $4.98 chicken at Sam’s Club.  Yesterday I cut off some of the breast meat, topped it with Frank’s hot sauce and an ounce of mozzarella (1), leftover carrots (1) and Hannah’s marinated cucumbers (1).  Oil was used in both the cucumber and carrots, which is why I counted points for the veggies.  Still, this was a 3 point lunch and it kept me full for hours.  #goprotein

Are you guys following Hannah on Instagram?  She’s HannahFindingHealth.  She’s starting to do stories, and is looking for vegetarian favorite meals you may have as a regular rotation on your weekly meal plans – feel free to leave your favorite veggie recipes or links in the comments below – she would appreciate it!

She texted me on my way home work and asked if she could make me dinner.  I have to be honest though that my first reaction is “that’s okay!”  You see, that’s my favorite thing to do at the end of the day, is be bizzy in my kitchen.  But I said “of course!”  And it was delicious.  Trader Joe’s orange chicken, cilantro wontons, fried rice (with onion pieces big enough that I could pick them out!) and she made this delicious carrot and peapod ginger garlic side dish.  This whole plate was 12 points and delicious.

I finished dinner at 7:15.  She and Jacob started watching a movie, so I laid down with the pups to let my dinner digest a bit before heading to the gym.  That’s Roman, my snuggle buddy when he’s really tired.  The room was quiet, the dogs were toasty, and I thought “you still have a bit of a cough, why don’t you just stay home and watch stuff off the DVR.”

But I’ve been doing that for too long, and it’s obviously gotten me nowhere.  I was watching someone on Instagram earlier in the day (can’t remember who!) but she said that when she doesn’t feel like working out, and has the mentality “I HAVE to work out” she flips it around and tells herself “I GET to workout!”  So I drove the 12 minutes to the gym, walked for 60 minutes at 3.5 mph at a 7% incline all while watching YouTube videos.  Which is what I would have been doing if I were home on my couch. 

According to the machine (which I don’t actually trust), I burned 389 calories.  And I was sweaty!  And you know what?  It felt good.  I chose me! I didn’t talk myself out of it, I talked myself into it.  It is true that you never regret a workout when you are done.

I don’t really remember the last time I hit 20,000 steps!

I tracked all my food, and came in at exactly 23 points.  I had no wine.  I drank 80 ounces of water.  I was in bed by 10:30.  And you know what?  It wasn’t that hard.  Now I just need to keep the momentum going taking it one day at a time.  It’s drive that will get you to your goal – motivation wanes.  Are you ready for change?


Happy Tuesday friends – make it a great day!  CHOOSE YOU!