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‘stir fry’

Salt and Pepper Tofu Stir Fry

Salt and Pepper Tofu Stir Fry
Salt and Pepper Tofu Stir Fry If you haven’t tried tofu in a while, definitely try my salt and pepper tofu stir fry – quick and delicious! There was a restaurant near my old office called Imperial Lamian, and they had THE BEST salt and pepper tofu as one of their appetizers.  Sadly, they had to close due to the pandemic, but every once in...
May 23, 2022

Zero Point Stir fry Sauce

Zero Point Stir fry Sauce
I can’t wait to share this recipe for the zucchini bread – it’s a pretty big mini loaf for only four points!  But it’s my next Chopping Block blog recipe, and since they pay me for it, they get first dibs – I’ll be sure to link to it when it’s published!  This was my chocolate zucchini bread version – I could only add 3...
July 10, 2018

Thai Chili Soy Noodle Stir Fry

Thai Chili Soy Noodle Stir Fry
Hanging out with Hannah yesterday morning was so nice.  The weather was perfect outside and it was just nice to catch up with her one on one.  Jacob and Hannah went out to eat last week when I was working one of the night markets.  Um, turns out they don’t cook a lot if I am not home.  When I was meal planning with what...
August 2, 2016

PB Bit Stir fry Sauce

PB Bit Stir fry Sauce
Another whirlwind weekend is in the books.  Could you please tell the summer to slow down?  Before you know it, we’ll be seeing fricken Halloween decorations in the stores!   Friday both Hannah and Jacob worked so I had a whole day to recipe develop in the kitchen and I had such a fun day.  I had Spotify on, jammed to Macklemore and Pitbull (yes, I...
July 18, 2016

Beef and Veggie Lo Mein

Beef and Veggie Lo Mein
I had a very productive day yesterday!  I think I am getting used to all the manual labor, because I wasn’t as lethargic yesterday like I normally am after working markets two days in a row.  #winning!  I made a list of everything I wanted to get done, and did it all except get gas, but I can do that today.  It was gorgeous out...
June 21, 2016

Shrimp and Tofu Stir fry with Ginger Sriracha Sauce

Shrimp and Tofu Stir fry with Ginger Sriracha Sauce
As I was putting my food together before work yesterday morning, when I opened the pantry I saw that there was one lone everything bagel left.  I know Jacob and Hannah usually eat them, but I said “snooze you lose!” and brought it to make a breakfast bagel. Later on I put that on Instagram to let Hannah and Jacob know that I took the...
December 4, 2015

Quick stiry fry. . .

One of my favorite pieces of cookware that Tony brought into our marriage is a cast iron wok – it holds such remarkable heat!  And speaking of heat, this is what I used on mine and boy, by the time mine was done I was about hacking up a lung!  Um, note to self, add this AFTER the stir fry is done off the heat!  Here...
November 18, 2008

Stirfry Soup?

So I brought stuff to work to make stir fry, forgetting that I used up the last of my stir fry sauce last week.  Nertz! So I looked in the refrigerator, and there was some soy sauce – yes!  And then I had chunky peanut butter in my cabinet next to the stove.  I melted 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and stirred in about 1...
October 27, 2008