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Oat Pancakes

Oat Pancakes
These oat pancakes are what I like to call a basic pancake.   It’s simple because you can dress it up however you like – add poppy seeds and lemon, add blueberries – whatever you have on hand! What kind of oats can I use? You can use quick oats or regular oats.  Just don’t use steel cut oats.  I had a follower make them with...
April 8, 2021

Elvis Pancakes

Elvis Pancakes
I am calling these Elvis pancakes because they have bananas, peanut butter AND bacon.  #swoon In 2017, I got a message from Premier Protein asking me if I wanted to work with them.   What?! I literally thought I had finally made it in the blogging world – someone actually wanted to work with me!  And not just in free product!  In case you want to...
January 14, 2021

Two Point Pancakes!

Two Point Pancakes!
Happy Friday!  Um, you know when a lot of people took today off is when you get parking spot #4 at the train station, and you normally park in the 100s!  So today at work is either going to be super dead, or crazy busy.  I am planning on it being crazy busy and I’ll be happy if it’s a low key day. Do you...
December 22, 2017

Premier Protein Snickerdoodle Pancakes

Premier Protein Snickerdoodle Pancakes
So I told you I’ve been reading The Miracle Morning (check out this link for more info).  I am only 1/4 of the way through (I am a slow reader when it comes to books!) but you basically wake up earlier than you normally would to do the things YOU want to do, whatever it is.  They can be broken into 10 minute intervals –...
July 27, 2017

Banana Blueberry Pancakes

Banana Blueberry Pancakes
I don’t normally blog on the weekends, but wanted to provide a link to share these delicious banana and blueberry pancakes.  While I was writing the recipe down as I went along, in my head I thought for sure they’d be about 7 smart points a serving, but after I put it in the WW recipe builder, 1/2 a serving, or 3 pancakes, came in...
February 4, 2017

Toasted Coconut Pancakes

Toasted Coconut Pancakes
Monday night I had my make up yoga class.  I kept checking my email because all day long it looked like I was the only one that signed up.  I didn’t like that.  If I go to a group fitness class, I am the one with my mat to the way back of the room.  Like always.  What was I going to do if I...
January 27, 2016