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Healthy Energy Bars

Healthy Energy Bars
I don’t make the focus of my having insulin dependent diabetes on the blog too often, for the only reason that it’s just so part of my life, I don’t even think of it.  Well, that’s a lie.  I think about it a lot throughout the day, from what my blood sugar is at any given moment of the day, to wondering how hard I...
February 29, 2016

Mushroom Steak Sauce

Mushroom Steak Sauce
Somehow (maybe because I watch a lot of Food Network?!) Jacob asked me the other day who my favorite chef is on the network.  I’d have to say food wise, it would be Bobby Flay.  A:  Because I love spicy stuff!  B.  I love meat and he’s a grill master and C. I like his throw down show where he cooks with regular home cooks....
February 24, 2016

Blueberry Lemon Scones with Orange Zest Glaze

Blueberry Lemon Scones with Orange Zest Glaze
As I am in my LAST WEEK OF WORK I’ve decided to bring in a few of my favorite dishes I’ve made into the office over the years.  Last week I brought a few people my chicken tikka masala, and I brought in a batch of blueberry scones. But most of my scone recipes call for a minimum of six tablespoons of butter, and most...
February 22, 2016

Healthy Homemade Pasta

Healthy Homemade Pasta
It’s so weird to me sometimes that a few simple ingredients can create such delicious food.  Take flour, salt and eggs and a splash of water.  What have you got?  Homemade pasta! So we’ve declared Thursday nights as “spin the fridge wheel” and use up/eat up just what is on hand.  And I didn’t cheat all that much!  Last weekend my store had roma tomatoes...
February 19, 2016

Thank you and Crock Pot Beef and Bean Chili

Thank you and Crock Pot Beef and Bean Chili
Before I say anything else, I want to thank everyone who commented on Monday’s post, sent me a text, email, instant message on Facebook, etc.  It means more to me than you’ll ever know, and while I’ve read all the comments, I haven’t had time to respond to them yet, but will in the next day or so.  THANK YOU for having my back.  And...
February 3, 2016

Toasted Coconut Pancakes

Toasted Coconut Pancakes
Monday night I had my make up yoga class.  I kept checking my email because all day long it looked like I was the only one that signed up.  I didn’t like that.  If I go to a group fitness class, I am the one with my mat to the way back of the room.  Like always.  What was I going to do if I...
January 27, 2016

New Blog!

New Blog!
Shhhh.  Don’t tell anyone, but today is my brother Charlie’s 50th birthday!  For some reason or another, my brother doesn’t want much fanfare for this birthday.  I mean, come on, what better way to celebrate than on your 50th birthday?!   I told him that I wanted to send 50 balloons to his office at the Apple HQ in Austin, but he quickly replied that he’d...
January 22, 2016

Braised Short Ribs Over Creamy Polenta

Braised Short Ribs Over Creamy Polenta
I think the only thing that can surpass Hannah’s love of Starbuck’s is her simultaneous love of both Wal-Mart and Target.  Whenever she wants to go to either of those places and asks Jacob or I to go with her, our question to her is “are you only picking up a couple things or walking around the whole store?”  Because she loves to spend a...
January 20, 2016

Falafel with Spiced Green Tahini Sauce

Falafel with Spiced Green Tahini Sauce
Hard to believe the first week of the new year is already in the books.  I am proud to say that both my step-son and I are going strong with the no alcohol.  I have to think it’s easier for me because I am not in my 20s with an active social life of going out like he does, so I am just as proud...
January 8, 2016