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Black Sesame Naan Bread

Black Sesame Naan Bread
I got an email reminder from one of my blog readers (Hi Rachel!) to ask for the 3 smart point naan bread I posted on Instagram last week with the hashtag #receipecomingsoon and I forgot to post it!  Thanks for the reminder Rachel I love the texture of these.  Slightly crisp on the edges, but soft and pillowy on the inside.  And at only 3...
August 11, 2016

Pizza Dough Breakfast Muffins

Pizza Dough Breakfast Muffins
I am trying to be better about not wasting food.  Hannah always loves an organized refrigerator where you can see everything.  She lines up items tallest to shortest in nice little rows so that she can see everything at a glance.  Me?  I am a pusher.  Just put what I want to put in the fridge in front, and push until I can shut the...
August 9, 2016

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
Last Friday I found myself with half a dozen really really ripe bananas.  No one in the house would eat them like that, so I decided to bring muffins to take to work last Saturday.  I thought it would be a bit of sunshine at 5:00 a.m. in the morning when everyone is still tired and wished they were still in bed.  I am partial...
August 3, 2016

Thai Chili Soy Noodle Stir Fry

Thai Chili Soy Noodle Stir Fry
Hanging out with Hannah yesterday morning was so nice.  The weather was perfect outside and it was just nice to catch up with her one on one.  Jacob and Hannah went out to eat last week when I was working one of the night markets.  Um, turns out they don’t cook a lot if I am not home.  When I was meal planning with what...
August 2, 2016

Breakfast Pizza and a Giveaway!

Breakfast Pizza and a Giveaway!
August 1st?  Really?  I can’t believe it.  This summer is going by way too fast, so I took the morning “off” and sat outside with Hannah this morning for a couple hours and we ate breakfast outside and chatted, caught up, watched youtube videos and drank coffee and water.  It was glorious! Last Friday I made a breakfast pizza, and a bunch of my WW...
August 1, 2016

PB Bit Stir fry Sauce

PB Bit Stir fry Sauce
Another whirlwind weekend is in the books.  Could you please tell the summer to slow down?  Before you know it, we’ll be seeing fricken Halloween decorations in the stores!   Friday both Hannah and Jacob worked so I had a whole day to recipe develop in the kitchen and I had such a fun day.  I had Spotify on, jammed to Macklemore and Pitbull (yes, I...
July 18, 2016

Zucchini Lasagna Rollups

Zucchini Lasagna Rollups
Zucchini Lasagna Rollups These zucchini lasagna rollups are a great way to use up summer zucchini. I’ve been making the excuse lately on the days I work the market, that because my job is a lot of manual labor (packing up coolers, packing up my car, unpacking at the market, repacking after the market, putting everything back when I get to the shop) that I...
July 14, 2016

Shit Just Got Real

Shit Just Got Real
It is not surprising that I had a gain going into my WI yesterday.  I thought maybe a couple pounds from vacation – note this is a two week WI, but still. When I saw 2.4 on the sticker, I thought “well, that’s not too bad!”  Um, no – that’s how much I am up from the first time I weighed in April – so...
July 13, 2016

Beef and Veggie Lo Mein

Beef and Veggie Lo Mein
I had a very productive day yesterday!  I think I am getting used to all the manual labor, because I wasn’t as lethargic yesterday like I normally am after working markets two days in a row.  #winning!  I made a list of everything I wanted to get done, and did it all except get gas, but I can do that today.  It was gorgeous out...
June 21, 2016

Brave or Stupid

Brave or Stupid
So as it has been going lately, I gain a pound or .8 one week, then lose it the next week! So I am basically down .6 for the last 7 weeks.  I am hoping to get my act together and actually string two whole weeks in a row with a loss.  I ended up bringing my breakfast to the meeting.  It’s a bit of...
June 15, 2016