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Taco Potato Skins

Taco Potato Skins
Taco potato skins bring back so many memories and I am so happy to have a healthy version to share with you! I worked in a bar in my early 20’s.  On Wednesday nights I worked the kitchen to give our only cook one night off a week.  He was the Uncle of the owner of the bar, and he drank Heineken and shots of...
October 8, 2019

Butternut Squash Soup

Butternut Squash Soup
This butternut squash soup is great for your weekly meal prep! My Mom gave me three butternut squashes probably three weeks ago.  They rolled around the back of my car for almost that whole time, until I cleaned out my car and found them – thanks Mom!  Butternut squash is a hearty vegetable! Roasting this butternut squash is my favorite way to use it.  That,...
November 7, 2018

Coconut Shrimp

Coconut Shrimp
I’ve mentioned it before, but I usually write recipes on my train ride home.  Yesterday morning before I left for work I almost pulled out a pork chop to defrost in the fridge during the day, but saw that I had shrimp and not knowing if I was going to be working late last night, knew they would thaw quick and I’d make something with...
November 2, 2018

Homemade Sopes

Homemade Sopes
I’ve never made sopes before.  But that’s what happens when you meal plan with what you have on hand.  I’ve had a bag of masa in my pantry for a while.  I just googled “what to make with masa” and sopes popped up.  A lot of recipes called for adding lard to the batter, or butter.  Masa is simply corn flour.  I got excited because...
October 9, 2018

Curried Butternut Squash Potato Soup

Curried Butternut Squash Potato Soup
I am confident I never even tried butternut squash before I started blogging.  Back in the day, there was something called “BSI” which stood for Blogger Secret Ingredient.  The “host” was new each week, but they would pick an ingredient, and you had to make a dish, and that person who hosted picked a winner of all the recipes submitted, then would pick another host. ...
August 29, 2018

Leftover Pasta Carbonara

Leftover Pasta Carbonara
  Let’s go back in time for a bit, shall we?  Maybe 25 years ago, I ate TWO apple fritters on the way to work.  Then I would get a frappuccino with my co-workers when I got to work.  That would be 41 points right there and it wouldn’t even be 10:00 a.m.! Lunch would be Sbarro – it was right by my old office...
July 19, 2018

Healthy Banana Muffins

Healthy Banana Muffins
I am so happy to share this healthy banana muffin recipe with you guys.  Only one tiny problem – I said they were three smart points, but they are actually four – I forgot to add the two eggs to the recipe on the WW app, but still, these are a winner! But first, can I talk about how empty the train parking lot is...
November 22, 2017

Banana Streusel Muffins

Banana Streusel Muffins
I took 238 pictures from Friday night until last night.  I may have a bit of a problem. 😀  It was a good long weekend.  I didn’t really have any plans except with my Mom yesterday.  It was a nice balance of productivity, cooking and lazy.  I will admit that we ordered pizza on Saturday night and I may have eaten half of a small...
September 5, 2017

Vegan Pita Bread and $1200 later

Vegan Pita Bread and $1200 later
About a month or more ago, you may remember that a branch from my tree hit my neighbors roof and put a dent in their gutter.  Because there was no damage to my property, my insurance wouldn’t cover it.  They claimed that the damage was $5,000, they had to file a claim with their insurance company and will have to have their fireplace rebuilt –...
July 26, 2017