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Rest Day

Rest Day
I had an unintentional rest day yesterday.  I had plans on a long walk, and a long workout at the gym yesterday, but my blood sugar was not cooperating.  I gave myself the normal amount of insulin for breakfast, maybe even a little less than I would have because I knew I wanted to walk.  Breakfast was an egg, egg white scramble, with turkey bacon,...
June 7, 2016

It’s My Last One!

It’s My Last One!
Friday the kidults didn’t have to work, and it was my day off so we decided to go out to lunch.  We had the place picked out – the Tracks in our downtown.  They have outdoor seating which we thought would be nice because it was gorgeous, but turns out everyone else in our town had the same idea, so the wait was 30 minutes. ...
June 6, 2016

Veggie Burger Wrap

Veggie Burger Wrap
It was another gorgeous day at the Farmers Market.  Although since this one starts at 7:00 a.m., it’s a tiny bit hard to have people sample veggie burgers at that time in the morning, but I ended up coming just $80 short for a sales record for that market – so that’s good! And yes Mom, I did remember to wear sunscreen.  I keep a...
June 3, 2016

Rainy Farmers Market

Rainy Farmers Market
I went to WW yesterday fully expecting there to be a 2+ pound weight gain.  But, I guess my manual labor at the farmers markets I’ve worked at offset some of the crap I put in my mouth, because I ended up losing 1.2. I brought my breakfast with me, and the leader ended up weighing me in and asked what I was having for...
June 1, 2016

Time to Make the Veggie Burgers!

Time to Make the Veggie Burgers!
It was weird getting up so early yesterday and driving in the dark to get the equipment for the farmers market.  I packed my food in a small cooler lunch bag with an ice pack.  I wasn’t even sure I’d be hungry for breakfast when I got up, or later in the morning.  I was actually hungry!  I made a breakfast sandwich with my naan...
May 27, 2016

NRA Show Part II

NRA Show Part II
Ming Tsai made his first meal for someone other than his family at the age of 10.  It’s customary in Chinese households to greet someone with not “Hi, how are you?” but with “Chi le ma?” which means “have you eaten yet?”  You either reply “chi le” which means you have eaten, or “mei ne” which means you have not eaten. He was home alone...
May 24, 2016

Farmers Market and NRA!

Farmers Market and NRA!
What a busy several days I’ve had lately!  Thursday – job interview.  Friday – job interview.  Today – I have another job interview – I know, it’s so crazy when it rains it pours!  But my super smart brother thought it might not be the best idea to discuss potential jobs on the blog until after if and when I take one, and that does...
May 23, 2016

I got a job! But . . .

I got a job!  But . .  .
I am not sure I am going to take it.  Just yet.  Here’s the deal.  I would be working with a store front restaurant that only offers take out at the moment, but is going into their third year in farmers markets and has quite a following.  In their store front alone, they sell 7000 veggie burgers a week!  Yes, you read that correctly.  VEGGIE...
May 20, 2016

I have a job interview!

I have a job interview!
I am nearly always a glass half full vs. a glass half empty person.  I think that’s why Tony and I worked so well together, because however negative things looked, I could always find the bright side in everything.  I will tell you that my job search to find my new life’s passion was slow.  And I did that on purpose.  I wanted to take...
May 19, 2016

Skinny Mac N Cheese

Skinny Mac N Cheese
I am happy to say I made it a whole week without going to the grocery store – well, except for coffee creamer, but that’s not too bad!  I relied on my pantry/fridge/freezer and it just goes to show that if you think outside the box you can always come up with good eats with what you have on hand.  It’s just that sometimes, dishes...
May 13, 2016