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It was bound to happen sooner or later. . .

Yes, after seeing the commercials, and being out and about with my daughter today, I had to try the Volcano Taco.  It was VERY spicy, which I loved.  I ordered two, but only ate one because I didn’t have the nutritional information.  SO GLAD I checked when I got home – each taco is 240 calories, and 17 grams of fat!  But it satisfied my...
September 28, 2008

Yummy french toast

Okay, not the healthiest way to start the day, but the bread I baked yesterday meant only one thing: French Toast! Denny’s French Toast 2 eggs 1/3 cup fat free half and half 3 tablespoons splenda 3 tablespoons flour pinch of salt pinch of cinnamon 4 one ounce slices of bread 1 teaspoon butter (to pan fry with butter flavored Pam) Mix together the eggs,...
September 28, 2008

Some good, some not so good

Okay, I have tried to like salmon, but I just can’t get over the taste.  I think this is the fifth time I have tried it, but no such luck.  We used the cedar planks and they gave everything a nice smokey flavor though!  But I loved the Barramundi!  I marinated that in an Asian marinade: 1/2 cup lite soy sauce 2 tablespoons sesame oil...
September 28, 2008

Bread turned out AWESOME!

This recipe made two HUGE loaves!  I made the dough before going out to lunch and it quadrupled in size by the time we got back!  I punched it down, divided it in two loaves.  I left one plain and added 1 cup of wheat berries to the other one.  It kind of made a swirl like cinnamon bread! Sprouted Wheat Berry Bread 1 tablespoon...
September 27, 2008

Mexican lunch. . .

We met my sister-in-law and her family for lunch.  While we waited for my nephew and his girlfriend arrive, it was like a bottomless bowl of chips!  I knew I shouldn’t have started, but the next thing you know, I probably had the equivalent to 1/2 basket of chips and salsa! I ordered chicken fajitas (NO ONIONS!) and I ended up having one and a half...
September 27, 2008

A morning with me

I woke up with the dog between us, and he was sound asleep.  For some reason, I was starving when I woke up, so I had a bowl of Peanut Butter Puffins and 1/2 cup skim milk.  I didn’ want to eat a lot knowing that we were most likely going to meet up with my sister-in-law for lunch. I sat outside under our gazebo...
September 27, 2008

Party Pizza Friday (you’ll get use to this!) :D

My husband wanted a different pizza tonight and forwarded me a recipe for Margherita Pizza.  You marinate sliced Roma tomatoes in olive oil, garlic and fresh basil (which I asked him to pick up at the grocery store – duh!  we have a basil plant outside!). Here are the marinated tomatoes: I used some of the olive oil on the pizza dough, and then drained...
September 27, 2008

Mexican, again?

Yes!  It’s my lunch and I can have Mexican every day if I want! When looking through the fridge this morning, I realized I needed to use up the last two homemade tortillas that I made last weekend. 2 homemade tortillas (toasted in the toaster – it worked!) 1/4 cup vegetarian refried beans (end of the can finally!) 1.5 ounce chopped steak sprinkled with taco...
September 26, 2008

Foggy Friday

It was really foggy this morning.  But the good thing is that it was slightly cooler so the mosquitoes weren’t in full force like they were yesterday.  Ed and I took about a 25 minute walk this morning, because I didn’t put my food together last night.             I always think its funny to have a stop sign at the...
September 26, 2008

Manga Pasta

I have been craving pasta for a while, so tonight was the night.  My daughter loves any kind of pasta, but especially shaped pasta, i.e. Cavatappi which is what we had tonight.  Sadly, she does not like marinara sauce, but uses butter and garlic on hers.  I added about 2 tablespoons of fat free half and half to my sauce which made it REALLY creamy!...
September 26, 2008