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Black Bean and Sausage Stew

Black Bean and Sausage Stew
This black bean and sausage stew is so delicious and it’s crazy how flavorful it is with only 20 minutes in an instant pot. I was watching Somebody Feed Phil on Netflix.  He was in Brazil and he was eating a dish called feijoada.  It’s a classic dish from Brazil and typically uses, let’s say, less used ingredients like pigs ears and feet. I went...
November 11, 2020

Roasted Broccoli Cheddar Soup

Roasted Broccoli Cheddar Soup
 This roasted broccoli cheddar soup is better than Panera.  Yep – I said it! For some reason I had a taste for broccoli cheddar soup and I knew once upon a time I made one.  I did.  You can find the shitty food photography here. Back then though, I really tried to get the LOWEST points on every single recipe.  I’d add the recipe into...
November 2, 2020

Movie Theater Popcorn Chicken

Movie Theater Popcorn Chicken
This movie theater popcorn chicken is next level.  Who knew you could use buttered popcorn spray on chicken?! I wish I was one of those food bloggers who had that act together who prepped food way in advance. Most food bloggers are already working on Christmas and January recipes.  Me? I realized I had a chicken breast that was about to go bad and needed...
October 28, 2020

Pumpkin Bisque

Pumpkin Bisque
  If you haven’t tried pumpkin bisque, you are really missing out. It screams fall! I bought a small pie pumpkin, called a sugar pumpkin and had a small butternut squash and decided to use both in this soup. Can you roast vegetables in an air fryer? Yep! This is the best part of this recipe, you just air fry the pumpkin and butternut squash...
October 20, 2020

Buffalo Beef Burger Salad with Marzetti® Tastefully Dressed™ Buttermilk Romano Ranch Dressing 

Buffalo Beef Burger Salad with Marzetti® Tastefully Dressed™ Buttermilk Romano Ranch Dressing 
 When my husband was alive, our Friday night conversations went like this:  Me: “Hey honey, I am meal planning.  What do you feel like having this week?”  Hubs: “I don’t care.”  Me: “Really?  You don’t have a taste for anything?”  Hubs: “Nope, whatever you make is fine.”  While I loved that conversation because that meant I could fix whatever I wanted, when it came time...
October 14, 2020

Chicken Quinoa Salad with Honeycrisp Apple Dressing

Chicken Quinoa Salad with Honeycrisp Apple Dressing
This salad marries my two favorite things: honeycrisp apple and delicata squash!      This salad just tastes like a fall day with a bit of chill in the air and a slight crunch of leaves at your feet.      My philosophy on salad is that if you are going to make a good salad great – you have to use a great salad dressing, and that’s why Marzetti® Tastefully Dressed™ Honeycrisp Apple...
October 7, 2020

Pumpkin Chicken Chili

Pumpkin Chicken Chili
Pumpkin Chicken Chili Recipe I know pumpkin chicken chili sounds weird, but this is an amazing chili. My friend Ally (here is here blog!) recently came out with an eCookbook and I immediately bought it.  She had a recipe for a beef pumpkin chili and since I was using stuff I had on hand, subbed in ground chicken for the beef.  I grind my own...
September 28, 2020

Grown Up Chicken Nuggets

Grown Up Chicken Nuggets
When Hannah was little we used to pick up McDonald’s every once in a while.  I would order the 20 piece chicken nuggets knowing full well that Hannah would eat a few and I would eat the rest.  And I wonder how I got to 211 pounds!  These my friends are my grown up chicken nuggets. They have cilantro, Parmesan cheese and since I love...
August 12, 2020

Buffalo Cauliflower Bites

Buffalo Cauliflower Bites
When my husband was alive, I tried to “trick” him into eating healthier things under the guise of something else.  Like these buffalo cauliflower bites I made the other night – I may have attempted to pass them off as chicken!! My favorite story though is when I thought I could trick my husband by adding red quinoa into his meatballs and spaghetti.  I literally...
July 17, 2020