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Brave or Stupid

Brave or Stupid
So as it has been going lately, I gain a pound or .8 one week, then lose it the next week! So I am basically down .6 for the last 7 weeks.  I am hoping to get my act together and actually string two whole weeks in a row with a loss.  I ended up bringing my breakfast to the meeting.  It’s a bit of...
June 15, 2016

Potato Crusted Quiche

Potato Crusted Quiche
Yep, the queen of maintenance is what you can call me! Up .8 for the week, and up .4 since April 21, so basically the same as when I started going back to WW meetings.  And while I wish the scale was going down, I do know that being aware of what I eat has prevented me from being 200 pounds by now.  This last...
June 8, 2016

Banana Chobani Muffins

Banana Chobani Muffins
Last night I was pondering where I am in my life and how different things are.  Two years ago this past weekend, I was working a second job at Zeal: Tony had already been hospitalized locally three times by May of 2014.   In June, July and August was when we made our treks to Mayo Clinic.  All while holding down a full time job, but...
May 30, 2016

Skinny Pie Crust

Skinny Pie Crust
Um, Mother Nature, not sure if you got the memo or not, but it’s MAY and I’d really like to see the sun like every single day and have temps in the high 60s at the very least! I am sure she’ll read this later and we’ll have more spring like weather in the near future.  You’re welcome. I had actually planned on going to...
May 2, 2016

Hacked and Sick

Hacked and Sick
If you are friends with me on Facebook, then you’ll know that my account got hacked over the weekend.  I knew something was weird when I saw over a dozen instant messages pop up one right after the other in the matter of a minute.  Um, turns out someone was using my Facebook account to send a porn video of all things.  It had my...
April 11, 2016

PB2 Granola

PB2 Granola
I just want to take a second and thank everyone for their comments on yesterday’s blog post, as well as text messages, instant message on Facebook and comments on Instagram – I have the best virtual support group anyone could ever have!  It means more to me than you’ll ever know, but just wanted to say . . . thank you!  It’s weird how the...
April 6, 2016

Banana Pecan Scones with Dark Chocolate Drizzle

Banana Pecan Scones with Dark Chocolate Drizzle
I’ve had such fun days this week.  Wednesday I had lunch with an old field hockey friend.  We’ve lived in the same town 15 years and ran into each other once like 10 years ago at Bed Bath & Beyond.  She gave me her phone number then, but I brought it home, set it on the counter, it got wet and I couldn’t read her...
March 25, 2016

Everything Bagels

Everything Bagels
Can I just tell you that this week flew by?!  Usually by Friday it feels like the first four days of the week are actually two weeks long, but these last four days for me just sailed on by.  Probably because I was doing everything that I love!  Going to Chicago, learning more about how to market my blog to make money, taking long walks...
March 4, 2016

Healthy Energy Bars

Healthy Energy Bars
I don’t make the focus of my having insulin dependent diabetes on the blog too often, for the only reason that it’s just so part of my life, I don’t even think of it.  Well, that’s a lie.  I think about it a lot throughout the day, from what my blood sugar is at any given moment of the day, to wondering how hard I...
February 29, 2016

Blueberry Lemon Scones with Orange Zest Glaze

Blueberry Lemon Scones with Orange Zest Glaze
As I am in my LAST WEEK OF WORK I’ve decided to bring in a few of my favorite dishes I’ve made into the office over the years.  Last week I brought a few people my chicken tikka masala, and I brought in a batch of blueberry scones. But most of my scone recipes call for a minimum of six tablespoons of butter, and most...
February 22, 2016