I started out my day yesterday in tears, but as the day wore on, I was feeling so blessed.  I had no idea my Instagram post would get so much love – as of this morning I had over 1300 likes, 210+ comments AND over 300 direct messages.  It will take me days to get through them all, but I will reply to each one.  Some people had stories of their own spouses passing away – one woman as recent as 2 1/2 weeks ago when her husband died after a battle with cancer.

She’s been following me for a while, but didn’t realize I was a widow and she said that it gave her hope that she can laugh again.  The hardest part is finding your new normal.  Much like her, I spent the last several years of my marriage being the caretaker, that I forgot to take care of myself.  Well, it’s been four years and I need to get my shit together.  I literally have zero excuses.

My goal for yesterday?  Not eat like an asshole.  I had a couple hundred people reach out to me telling me that they weren’t going to eat like an asshole to support my sad day.  #love

So I didn’t eat like an asshole!  And our office had donuts the size of my head – my favorite too – DoRite Donuts.  But that wasn’t on my plan.  A picky plate for breakfast (without pickles!) šŸ˜€

Peanut butter and granola apple (4), hardboiled egg, cheese stick (2) and the most flavorful cutie.

Jenn and I walked Block 37 for a change of pace – its an indoor mall with restaurants (where Latinicity is) and there were a bunch of pop up stores for the holidays.  This one was called “you are beautiful” and they had this 365 sticky note calendar ($36!) but I loved that each day it gave you a positive message.  Yesterday’s was:  do it really well.  So I didn’t eat like an asshole really well. šŸ˜€

Lunch was my dump enchilada soup – with 2 points of cheese and an ounce of chips for dipping – 6 points for lunch.  Note my snowman socks šŸ˜€

I continued not eating like an asshole and ate an apple on my train ride home.  The honeycrisp apples are still 99 cents a pound at the train station.

I came home and saw that my town’s downtown has their holiday lights up.  So pretty!

I had every intention of making Tony’s famous fried rice for dinner, but when I got home, Hannah was thick in the middle of making dinner for her and Jacob – I love that she decided to make something instead of ordering out. šŸ˜€  So by the time I got in the kitchen, and smelled their Mexican food, I decided to make taquitos myself.  My filling is zero points – just chicken, black beans and corn – then I added 1/4 cup of cheddar cheese between the three taquitos (2) the tortillas were (3) and then I counted a point for the trace of oil left in the pan when Hannah made her taquitos.  My dip was Fage yogurt mixed with salsa.  Yum!

And I declared the kitchen closed, and it stayed closed.  I now need to repeat that for the next 365 days and then I’ll be golden!

I put a link to Tony’s fried rice video on my Instagram story – it nearly doubled the views from the previous 5 years – it had 655 views and now it has nearly 1100!  Makes me happy.  He did make the best fucking fried rice though!  You can check out the video here if you missed it.  

I feel better today.  I’ve felt the virtual hugs and I am so blessed.  

Happy Thursday friends – make it a great day!