I’m not mad about still having about 10 pounds of apples.  The only thing I was mad about this weekend was our temperatures – in the mid 80s!  That didn’t prevent me from heating my stove to 425 degrees to make these oatmeal crunch apple scones.  I have to give credit to my girl Jessica from How Sweet Eats for the inspiration on this one.  I copied her scone somewhat, but of course, had to make mine a bit more Weight Watcher friendly.  The best part about this scone?  The oatmeal crunch on top.  #swoon


I took several pics – using different settings on my DSLR – I’ve had that camera 8 years already and you’d think I would have dialed it in by now.  #ha

The first change I made was change the ratio of flour to oats.  I used self-rising flour, but you can use regular flour.  I upped the flour by 1/4 cup and reduced the oats to 1/2 cup.  I also added ground ginger and allspice to my scone.  I used to hate allspice, but now I love it.  I can’t help but take a big sniff whenever I open the jar.  I also used 3/4 of Splenda and only 1/4 cup of sugar in the scone batter.  I’ve said it before, but I’ve used baking Splenda for so long being diabetic, that I don’t taste anything artificial.  The 1/4 cup of sugar gives the mouth feel that I’ve only used all sugar in this recipe though.

Show of hands how many of you cook with a curling iron on your counter?!  Oh, only me?!  Shredding your butter makes it super easy to incorporate the butter into the batter – I only used a fork to combine the dough – no food processor needed.

I may or may not have nibbled on this apple core after shredding.  I squeezed the shredded apples – but first squeezed 1/4 cup of the apple juice into the batter.

One tip to help you get good knife cuts on the scones is to refrigerate the scones for 15 minutes before slicing.  Not only does this help you cut the scones, but it also gets the butter cold again before going into the hot oven.  I made 16 mini scones with this recipe. 

Bake for 10-12 minutes.  I baked mine the full 12 minutes. 

I also reduced the amount of glaze by half, and mixed 1/2 cup powdered sugar with 1 tablespoon sugar free pancake syrup and 1/2 tablespoon unsweetened almond milk.

But legit the best part of this scone was the oatmeal crunch on top.  I didn’t have any brown sugar so I used regular sugar and it turned out delicious.  I sprinkled the oatmeal crunch on top and was worried it wasn’t going to stick, but once the glaze hardened it stayed on like a charm.  After I figured out the points for these – they are 6 points, I decided to eat half of one to see how they tasted.  And quickly ate the second half.  But once I put them into a nutrition calculator and saw that they were only 171 calories – no guilt!


My next door neighbor cut my grass on Saturday.  His son usually does it, but now that football season has started, I think his time is limited.  Turns out they don’t mind if I pay them in food – so I brought the majority of these to his family – they have four kids (one is in college) so I am pretty sure they didn’t last too long.  They have two giant great danes – and Lenny likes to “sit” on my lap – his back legs are tucked under and on my lap while he’s standing there.  I think he just wanted to get closer to the scones šŸ˜€

While Jacob did homework, Hannah and I got our nails done and our hair cut.  It was such a fun afternoon – you just have to #treatyoself.  I treated myself with a free venti water, while Hannah bought a $4 tea šŸ˜€

Love my nail color – I went with a fall color – it’s OPI “Lust in Time.” 

And here is my haircut.  That I got at Great Clips for $9.99.  I usually go to Mario Tricoci and spend $70+ and this woman did a great job.  And I think it’s a cut that I’ll be able to style – it turned out a bit curly on one side this morning, but we’ll see!

I was dreading my weigh in on Saturday because I thought for sure I was up a couple pounds.  I had two nights where I woke up with low blood sugar and combined had 30 points of food.  I was -27 points for the week, but I lose ONE POUND.  It got me thinking about points vs. calories, and this week I decided to track both.  Yesterday I had 28 points for 1348 calories.

I never set up my macros, my fitness pal did for me, but it is interesting to see the breakdown.  Saturday I had 23 points but only 1180 calories.

While I’ve ditched alcohol this month, I still have a love affair with gummies.  My friend Helen has always said that I need to work stuff that I love into the program vs. giving them up all together.  The alcohol was necessary to give up – being Tony’s birthday month, I am thinking about him all.the.time.  I am feeling all the feels without drowning myself in boxed wine. 

But when I was at the grocery store yesterday after the gym, I picked up .16 cents worth of peach gummies – which was exactly 4 pieces – 93 calories and 6 points (again, that is nearly 1/3 of my daily points at only 93 calories) and I ate them on the way home – they were delicious and I tracked them and moved on.  A month ago I would have bought a one pound bag and kept them in my bedroom to snack on before going to bed!

It was a great weekend.  I was both productive and lazy which is the way weekends should be.  I was quite the homebody and I didn’t mind a bit.  My roommates had plans Saturday during the day and at night, so it was nice having the house to myself.  

Please let me know if you make these scones, I’d love to know if you made them.   If you make them and put them on Instagram, be sure to tag me @mybizzykitchen.

Happy Monday my friends, make it a great day!