I hit the ground running when I got to work yesterday – so much so that I looked up at it was 10:30 and I never made my breakfast sammie with my everything biscuit.  I luckily had some leftover chia pudding in the fridge, so a quick slice of banana, and breakfast was served – not pretty but delish!   It’s one cup of “milk” of choice mixed with 3 tablespoons chia seeds – that is two servings – each serving is 3 smart points – and I use unsweetened almond milk.  I never eat the chia pudding until it’s been sitting for two days – and don’t forget to stir it morning and night so that the chia seeds don’t sink to the bottom.  

My sister and I got our walking shoes on and went to Mariano’s.  She was picking up stuff for dinner – I just bought watermelon.  Well, Jenn bought me watermelon since it was only $2 I threw it on the belt with her stuff – thanks Jenn!

I know I took a shitty picture of my leftover chicken masala, but it’s no longer on my phone – oh well – it was tasty!  I had to plan my blood sugar for the 5k I was going to be walking.  Before lunch my blood sugar was 104, so I skipped insulin with lunch.  It was a 2 mile walk to Lincoln Park where the 5k was being held at.  When I got to the venue my blood sugar was 181.  I ate two tiny cookies that was in my boxed dinner from Potbelly, and when I got finished with the walk, it was 147 – nice!

As I was walking on Clark street, I passed this cute grocery store – any Chicago peeps been to it?  Apparently its a family run specialty grocery store and there are a few locations.  One night after work I’ll have to walk back and check it out.  

Did I mention that this event had free wine and beer?  Like everywhere.  You just show your I.D. once, get a bracelet and fill er up!  Oh, but not for me.  Because it’s #dryseptember and I am still going strong.  I have several Instagram friends doing the same thing and I thought it would be shitty to say “oh, I know I said I was going to not have alcohol in September, except for these 7 events where I think there will be alcohol.”  

It’s funny because everyone was like “Biz, where is your wine?  Did you see that have Goose Island beer in tent 98?”  When I explained that I was abstaining from alcohol for the month, their reaction was “why would you do that?!”  

Ha!  It’s not difficult, but it’s a reminder that if I put my mind to something, I can do it.  Simple as that.  Now if I could just put that dedication into every facet of my life, that would be great. 😀

We could not have asked for a better night – it was 70 degrees by the time the race ended, no humidity.  I love the city of Chicago!

This is Rachel, my work daughter.  She sits next to me – her Mom recently moved back to her childhood home to care for her elderly parents, and I told her Mom I would take care of her.  She’s so sweet – and the same age as Hannah. 😀

The runners went first, the walkers went after them – I checked my watch from when I started and finished, and I walked it in 48 minutes.  

And this is my friend Toby – he follows my Instagram, and he and his husband just adopted their daughter and she’s so fricken cute.  

By the time I added up all my steps from when I woke up to when I went to bed, it was almost 13 miles – no wonder I am tired today!  But it felt good – all those steps add up!  And I forgot my fitbit today – it was if to say “don’t have a day like that again today!”

Last year when I ran/walked this race, it was abundantly clear that I was out of shape, and I vowed that by this year I’d run the whole thing!  Well, we know how that went.  So I vow that by next year I’ll be able to run half of this race.

I am in the negatives for my points this week.  Twice this week I’ve woken up with blood sugars under 40 – I wake up in a pool of sweat.  One night I ate a banana – waited 15 minutes, took my blood sugar, and it was only up to 45, which tells me that my blood sugar is still dropping and the banana wasn’t enough.  So I ate an apple cider donut and two reeses peanut butter cups and went back to bed.  The next morning I tracked the points (15!) and my blood sugar was 334.  Dangit.  I should have just waited for the banana to work, but if you have ever had low blood sugar, you just want that feeling to go away as fast as possible.

So, we’ll see how the scale goes tomorrow.  I also need to make Rachel’s apple butter – I ran out of time last weekend.