I met my new friend Jen at Weight Watchers on Saturday morning – she’s so funny, I am glad I am getting to know her.   We were both up this week – I was up .8 – which coming off a weird holiday week, I am totally fine with.  I had wine, I tracked everything, including wine (which long time readers know I never used to do!) and still had 12 points left in weeklies – which also never happens.  

Jen and I hung around and talked for about 20 minutes after the meeting.  I should have brought her with to my Saturday morning 50% off meat bin sale – I spent $28 dollars (including fruit and coffee creamer) and saved $34.  Score!  When I get back from vacation Jen!

I follow a woman called wwg4life – Wendy is another fellow Weight Watcher, is down 130 pounds and has some really interesting recipes – stuff that’s simple, but something I never would have thought of.  Like these breakfast bombs.  While she uses the standard 2-ingredient dough (one part self rising flour to one part Greek yogurt) I use my skinny pizza dough (which is 1 point per ounce of dough).  I used 3 ounces of dough (3) and in the middle is scrambled eggs, a crumbled piece of bacon, baby spinach and 1/2 ounce of cheese, making both these breakfast bombs 7 points. 

But guess what?  After eating one, I was full and stopped at one!  I know, I could hardly believe it myself.  I added a bit of marinara sauce to the plate, but I think next time I’ll add it to the inside – kind of like a pizza breakfast bomb.  Thanks for the idea Wendy!

My friend Alison called me to say that she was watching her neighbors house while they were on vacation, and they picked a lot of veggies and asked if I wanted some – um, yes please!  I love zucchini, but not when they get that big – but it’s perfect for making zucchini bread.

My next blog post for the Chopping Block will be this zucchini bread – three ways:  one regular, one lemon and blueberry and the last chocolate/chocolate chip. Each mini loaf is 4 smart points, only has 1 tablespoon of oil per recipe (each flavor was a recipe) and I used Splenda instead of sugar.  I’ll be sure to let you know when the recipe posts.  And how awesome is this mini bread loaf pan?  I bought it at Bed Bath & Beyond a few years ago.

I am still going strong on my 10k a day challenge, which isn’t hard during the work week, but is difficult over the weekend.  It was in the low 80s so I got my walking shoes on Saturday afternoon.  

I was on my own for dinner Saturday as the kadults had plans.  One of the scores in the meat bin at Jewel was Smithfield marinated pork tenderloin – this one was garlic and herb.  If you are intimidated cooking pork, this is the product to use – the pork is super flavorful and tender.  I cooked this to 145 degrees and let it rest for 20 minutes before slicing. 

I am not a huge fan of kale raw, but sauteed?  I am all over it.  I cooked up some red potatoes, and took four ounces of potato, added a pat of butter, 1/4 cup of almond milk, a splash of chicken broth and 1/2 an ounce of cheese and mashed it all together.  It was so good!!  I made a quick mushroom mustard jus – after I cooked the mushrooms for a few minutes, I added a pat of butter, a sprinkle of flour, cooked for a minute, then added horseradish mustard and 1/2 cup of chicken broth and let it reduce about 10 minutes.

I know a lot of people who follow me are also mostly cooking for one – either because they are alone, or their family doesn’t like the food they like – and a question I get asked a lot is “why bother cooking just for yourself?”  The answer to that is “why not?!”  I am worth it.  And this was delicious.

And like any good dog grandma, I had to share with the pups. 😀

I went back to my friend Alison and Cameron’s house after dinner to bring them some zucchini bread – even though I could have frozen some, I leave for vacation on Wednesday, so kept a few loaves for myself and gave the rest of the way.  I had a couple beers and it was nice to hang out and catch up.

I was up early on Sunday – 7:00 a.m.  Back in the day it was not unusual for me to not wake up until noon, and Tony was up at 7 and just waiting for me to wake up so we can begin our day.  Now I love getting up early on the weekends, it makes the weekend feel so much longer.  After a couple hours of computer work, paying July bills, and other adulting stuff, I made this brunch.  It does seem that I only eat two meals on the weekend like my friend Helen, and I have to say I don’t mind it.  I took some of the leftover red potatoes from the night before and sauteed them in the bacon fat of the one slice of bacon I cooked, and added more kale to my scrambled eggs.  The sriracha ketchup?  That was for the potatoes – I never put ketchup on my eggs, although Hannah, my sister Jennifer and my daughter in law Liz love it. 

Hannah and I went thrift shopping yesterday.  I saw her in the dress section and asked if she was looking for dresses, and she said “yes, for you.”  Um, I don’t wear dresses.  They just accentuate my middle section, and not kidding the last time I wore a dress (other than at Hannah’s wedding) someone asked me when my baby was due – and I was probably 42 years old.  I didn’t know if I should take that as a compliment because someone thought I was young enough to be pregnant?

So Hannah picked this dress out for me – and I love it.  It’s comfy – either with the belt or without.  I am wearing a shitty bra, so that will help, but I bought it and may even wear it to my family reunion on Saturday.  We’ll see!  Thanks for pushing me outside my comfort zone Hannah. 😀

Even after walking through Walmart with Hannah after Goodwill, it was nearly 5 p.m. and I only had 4,000 miles, so I hit up the gym.  I did 3 miles at 8% incline, then did the heavy ropes for 5 minutes.  

I had every intention of making pork fried rice with my leftover pork, but when I got back from the gym, Hannah and Jacob were making Mexican food, and well, it smelled amazing.  Although they are doing keto now, so their taco shells were just cheese that was baked into a taco shell shape 😀  I took 2 ounces of Hannah’s leftover beef, sauteed some kale with garbanzo beans and corn, and made this 5 point taco salad.  So good!

I found this gem of a picture when I was decluttering my desk area this weekend.  I am pretty sure Hannah wasn’t born yet when this picture was taken, so I was probably 22?  We look like babies!  

I also found my Weight Watchers book from last summer – on July 10 last year I was 164 pounds and this weekend I was 182.  I basically gained back all the weight I lost last year.  But I realize I haven’t given it 100% week after week – not perfection but consistency.  I still hope to get my 10k steps while on vacation every day, even if that means getting up early to do so.  I am also going to pick and choose my treats – we always have ice cream on hand on vacation and while I am not that big of an ice cream fan, I still eat it.  

My Aunt Martha’s pulled pork is worth it. 😀  

Happy Monday my friends – make it a great day!