You knew I wouldn’t let my leftover French fries go to waste, right?  I used an ounce of chopped leftover fries as the base of my omelette.  I will tell you though, that this is best right out of the cast iron skillet, because the fries get nice and crunchy, but even reheated, this was tasty.  One egg, egg whites, deli ham, pepper jack cheese and spinach for 7 points, with strawberries and mango on the side.

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I’ve been really excited about walking around new places around my office.  The riverwalk was too far away from my old office to take advantage of.  Basically by the time I got there I would have had to turn around and go back.

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It was probably 74 degrees on my walk and so many people were out.  It’s a great place to take your lunch and just people watch.

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Not more than a month ago, Hannah showed me photo of an igloo – basically no matter the weather, hot, cold, rainy, you can rent this “bubble” and its temperature controlled with comfy furniture and you can drink wine and eat food in there.  Um, it isn’t cheap – a party of six costs $600 – which includes three glasses of wine per person and a charcuterie platter.  It also lights up at night.   Still pretty cool though!

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I meant to defrost some chicken to cook up before work yesterday, but I forgot.  I brought cucumber and hummus and friut, but just needed some protein.  During one of my walks the other day, I saw a sign for this place – The Halal Guys

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I figured I’d just pick up their chicken and make these cucumber hummus chicken bites.  They asked if I wanted their signature white sauce and hot sauce, so I figured why not?  First, I am not sure why the chicken is . . . grey.  Second, while tender, it had hardly any flavor.  And that hot sauce?!  Holy balls, my lips were burning after the first bite.  I tried to scrape it off with a knife, but the flavor still lingered.  I may have eaten half that plate, with an orange and a banana.  Lunch was lame – oh well – there are worse world problems!

The office is coming together, considering we’ve only been in the space three days.  I need to figure out where to put all the junk my bosses don’t want because right now my desk looks like junk yard.  I look at it and think “I’ve only been with this firm for just over five months, I can’t have accumlated this much shit!”

Lori – you will be happy to know that the mini coffee station is right around the corner from my desk.  It has three different types of teas, coffees and hot chocolate.  It also has a mini fridge so I can keep my lunch in there too.  I like to think they made that area just for me. 😀

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I worked late because I was night secretary, so I didn’t even start making my dinner until 8 p.m.

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I got a bunch of Cabot Cheese loot in the mail.  I am loving these individually packaged cheese – each one is 3/4 of an ounce for 3 points.  Um, somehow if I eyeball an ounce of cheese off a block of cheese, it ends up being half the block 😛  I still had some of the prepackaged zoodles in the fridge, and ground beef so I had beef and zoodle tacos with the Cabot cheese.  I know I’ve talked about the ghee at Trader Joe’s before – it’s basically clarified butter, but 1/2 a teaspoon is only 1 point and adds so much flavor to these fried tacos.  I used Pam and that 1/2 teaspoon of ghee to fry these and they were super crunchy, and you get that buttery taste in every bite.

I am on the train early going to meet my sister for our weekly WI.  I missed last week due to the office move and Cooking Club.   I have no idea how much I weigh because neither of the scales in my house work.  I should just throw them out now that I think about it!  And the WW meeting is just  a short 3 minute walk to my office Open-mouthed smile

I’ll be happy to see my sister too – haven’t seen her all week!   Make it a great day!