Tony loved egg salad, but it was almost equal parts mayo and eggs and it was just gross.  But making egg salad with avocado?  I am all over that!  1/4 of an avocado smashed with one hard boiled egg, salt, pepper, everything but the bagel seasoning and hot sauce on crunchy toast.  #perfection.

This is the bread I used – I bought it at the French Market and its delicious.  Hearty but light at the same time if that makes any sense.  I’ll have to bring it to my Mom’s this weekend, I think it would make amazing French Toast.  The nuts make this bread.

I was on my own for lunch as my sister had a work event.  I walked to Olive Mediterranean.  OMG, how do I forget how delicious this place is??

I got the spicy chicken kabob plate – it comes with rice, hummus and your choice of side salad.  I chose the chick pea salad because it looked like the least amount of red onions šŸ˜€

I’ve kind of half-assed tracked this week – probably because I knew I wasn’t going to weigh in tomorrow since I’ll be at my Mom’s house, but I need to get it together.  I have measuring spoons and a food scale at work, so it’s about time I put them to work.  I had TWO CUPS of rice in that container – I scooped out 1 cup.  I also had 1/2 a cup of hummus and I scooped out 1/4 cup.

If I hadn’t measured out my sides, I would have added 10 points to my lunch!

I have no idea how this chicken is seasoned but it is so flavorful spicy and the hummus is so smooth and garlicky.  My mouth is watering just looking at it.  This is a $10 lunch but worth every penny.

Guess what?  I had more beef for dinner!  I still had the rest of the sirloin steak so I thinly sliced 3 ounces of steak and make a quick beef fried rice.  I tried to channel Tony’s fried rice skills, and while this was good, it wasn’t great.  Probably because he used to use three times the amount of soy sauce as I would.  You can still check out his YouTube video on how he makes it here – so weird that he died just a year after we filmed this.

And that brings us to Friday Favorites!  

I heard about this book Life from Scratch and want to check it out.  

Andie’s Chicken Lo Mein looks amazing and healthy!  Did you read her books?  I started following her when her blog was just starting and so excited that she and her husband are expecting their first child!

Can’t wait to spend time with my brother and his family – that is a favorite thing for sure!!  Hard to believe this picture of us was taken about 35 years ago!

Happy Friday – hope you have a great weekend!