While I might complaint about it being dark when I leave work now, I will love the light in the morning when I wake up.  While it’s going to be chilly here, sunshine and puffy clouds will always make me happy, regardless of the temperature.

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I knew I wanted to work out after work yesterday, so I intentionally staggered my food.  I ate this “hash” at 11:00.  One cup of scrambled egg whites with salsa (1), 3 ounces of potato (2) and three ounces of leftover beef (3).

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Even though I was so busy yesterday, at 12:30 I clocked out and met my sister at Macy’s to get our steps in.  It’s all decorated for the holidays.

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Shelley, I can’t help but think of you whenever we go here!

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For our food fun Friday, my sister and I are having lunch at The Walnut Room.  I’ve never eaten here before so that should be fun.

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Dear Mom, you can cross my off your Christmas list if you get me this cookbook.  Love, your favorite child.

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The caveat about actually taking a lunch was that I worked about 80 minutes overtime, but luckily caught the last express train home – which got me home at 7:45. 🙁

Hannah and Jacob are home!  While they had fun, they were glad to be home.  I cooked up a big batch of rice and made this beef fried rice while they showed me pictures and told me about their adventures.  In a nutshell, they will probably never go back – they said they only had one good meal (a ramen place – where they got ONE appetizer and with their one friend they each got a bowl of ramen and the bill was $85 without drinks!) and they didn’t like the coffee.  They are all about their coffee!

The only thing that would draw them back is the hotel they stayed at on Sunday night – The Oxford Hotel.  Hannah said she could live at that hotel the rest of her life!

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I was determined to make it to they gym even though it was nearly 9 before I left.  I did the 30 minute strength circuit and then 30 minutes of cardio.  Holy fudge balls am I out of shape!  But’s it’s all good, I went, I was glad I did and I just have to build up my stamina again.

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Thirty minutes on the treadmill at 9% incline at 3.6 mph.

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My Mom is going to mention my bangs with this next photo – I just know it 😀

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So yesterday technically was supposed to be Day One of Steve Weatherford’s metabolic reset.  But that was pushed to today, but I didn’t want to take that as a sign that I should order a pizza and drink wine!   I still got no more information about the program all day yesterday.

This morning at 6:21 a.m.?  I finally got the program.  So I will take the rest of this train ride to work and probably the train ride home figuring it out, but in the meantime, I have healthy eats for today – a breakfast baked potato and the soup I never ate for lunch yesterday, which is a chicken Thai curry soup and it’s SO SPICY GOOD!  I can’t wait to share the recipe with you tomorrow.

Happy Tuesday all – make it a great day!